Все прилагательные Английского языка
На данной странице собраны все Английские прилагательные, содержащиеся в нашей базе данных.
А также, мы подготовили специальные подборки Английских прилагательных, которые помогут разноообразить Вашу речь и сделать ее более естественной:
adjectiveSomething that is missing cannot be found because it is not where it should be
Примеры использования:
The burglars have been arrested but the jewellery is still missing., when did you realize that the …
A few
fjuːadjectiveA small number, not many, or not enough (of something)
Примеры использования:
He is one of the few (people) i can trust to keep a secret., i’m going to the supermarket to get a …
A la mode
ˌæl.ə ˈməʊdadjectiveServed with ice cream
Примеры использования:
Pie à la mode
A list
ˈeɪ.lɪstadjectiveUsed for describing people who are the most famous
Примеры использования:
A-list celebrities
adjectiveFirm or hard and not bending or moving easily
Примеры использования:
He had stiff leather shoes on., if the dough is stiff, add more sour cream., he was unable to turn …
ˌeɪ.eɪˈeɪadjectiveUsed by ratings agencies (= organizations that calculate the level of risk of investments) to describe bonds, etc. with a very low risk of not being paid back
Примеры использования:
The fund was awarded an aaa rating by a wall street bond house.
adjectiveRelating to the biblical priest aaron.
Примеры использования:
The revolt was successful, with the altar reconsecrated and worship restored under a high priest of…
adjectiveDescended from aaron; of or belonging to the aaronites.
adjectiveDesignating the part or surface of an echinoderm or other radiate animal that is furthest from the mouth (as the upper side of a starfish); relating to this part.
adjectiveHaving been deserted or left.
Примеры использования:
An abandoned car
adjectiveDesignating a side or part that is furthest from or opposite to an apex.
adjectiveEmbarrassed, disconcerted, or ashamed.
Примеры использования:
Harriet looked slightly abashed
adjectiveAffected with abasia; of or relating to abasia.
adjectiveFacing away from the stem of a plant (in particular denoting the lower surface of a leaf).
Примеры использования:
The environments of the adaxial and abaxial leaf surface differ in many ways.
adjectiveOf the core of an apple or other pome (when viewed in transverse section): having the seed chambers arranged asymmetrically and distant from the main axis of the fruit. of the seed chambers of the core: having this arrangement and distant from the axis of the fruit.
adjectiveRelating to a dynasty of caliphs who ruled in baghdad from 750 to 1258.
Примеры использования:
Al-musta'sim, the last abbasid caliph in baghdad, proved no match for hulegu's mongol forces when t…
adjectiveRelating to an abbey, abbot, or abbess.
Примеры использования:
A possible abbatial vacancy
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