Английские слова, начинающиеся на gammon
Выберите первую букву Английского слова:
ˈɡæm.ənnounHam that has been cured or smoked like bacon.
Примеры использования:
I ate a plateful of gammon, eggs, and chips
verbDefeat (an opponent) with a gammon.
Примеры использования:
I now roll a real caffeine-rush, high-velocity 5-5, closing him out, and gammoning him for the match.
verbDefeat (an opponent) with a gammon.
Примеры использования:
I now roll a real caffeine-rush, high-velocity 5-5, closing him out, and gammoning him for the match.
nounHam that has been cured or smoked like bacon.
Примеры использования:
I ate a plateful of gammon, eggs, and chips
nounA person who talks volubly or flatteringly, especially so as to deceive or cajole another into a particular course of action.
nounA person who talks volubly or flatteringly, especially so as to deceive or cajole another into a particular course of action.
verbDefeat (an opponent) with a gammon.
Примеры использования:
I now roll a real caffeine-rush, high-velocity 5-5, closing him out, and gammoning him for the match.
nounHam that has been cured or smoked like bacon.
Примеры использования:
I ate a plateful of gammon, eggs, and chips
nounHam that has been cured or smoked like bacon.
Примеры использования:
I ate a plateful of gammon, eggs, and chips
verbDefeat (an opponent) with a gammon.
Примеры использования:
I now roll a real caffeine-rush, high-velocity 5-5, closing him out, and gammoning him for the match.
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