- перевод на Русский и значение в Английском eər
Добавить в мои слова Добавить в мои слова Произнести Air Произнести Air На данной странице собраны все значения и формы слова air в Английском языке.
Узнайте как переводится Английское слово air на Русский язык, какие имеет синонимы и транскрипцию.
Перевод Air на Русский язык Воздуха Воздух Воздушный Проветривать Пневматический Атмосфера Авиационный Вид Ария Дуновение Самолетный Сушить Внешний вид Мотив Напев Вентилировать Просушивать Выставлять напоказ Обнародовать Аффектация Важничанье Легкий ветерок Мелодия Выражение лица Песня Военно-воздушный
Air – что значит в Английском языке The invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth, a mixture mainly of oxygen and nitrogen.
Примеры использования:
The surface tension of water is increased, and even the density of air surrounding the earth ebbs a…
An impression of a quality or manner given by someone or something.
Примеры использования:
She answered with a faint air of boredom
Синонимы: Expression Appearance Look Impression Aspect Manner Bearing Mien Countenance Mood Quality Ambience Aura Feeling Flavour Tone Vibe
A tune or short melodious song.
Примеры использования:
Traditional scottish airs sung in the gaelic tongue
Синонимы: Tune Melody Song Theme Strain Refrain Piece Aria Lay
A jump off the ground on a snowboard or skateboard.
Примеры использования:
I love to watch richie ride; he's my fave, some style and clean airs.
Express (an opinion or grievance) publicly.
Примеры использования:
A meeting in which long-standing grievances were aired
Синонимы: Express Voice Make public Vent Ventilate Articulate State Declare Give expression to Give voice to Make known Publicize Publish Disseminate Circulate Communicate Spread Promulgate Broadcast R
Expose (a room) to the open air in order to ventilate it.
Примеры использования:
The window sashes were lifted regularly to air the room
Синонимы: Ventilate Aerate Freshen Refresh Cool Air-condition
The mixture of gases that surrounds the earth and that we breathe
Примеры использования:
Fresh air i went outside to get some fresh air., you should put some air in your tyres - they look …
The space above the ground, especially high above the ground
Примеры использования:
The air was filled with the scent of roses., in the air throw your gun down and put your hands in t…
The distance above the ground achieved by jumping or by hitting or throwing a ball
Примеры использования:
A 10-metre half pipe ramp allows the skateboarders to get massive air., she gave her lob plenty of …
Примеры использования:
By air i don't travel much by air., an air crash/disaster, air travel
Примеры использования:
An air of she has an air of confidence about her.
If a programme or a person is on/off (the) air, they are/are not broadcasting on radio or television
Примеры использования:
The radio station is on air from 6 a.m.
Примеры использования:
Bach's air on a g string
To make opinions or complaints known to other people
Примеры использования:
Air a grievance putting a complaint in the suggestions box is one way of airing your grievances., a…
To become dry and/or fresh, or to cause to become dry and/or fresh
Примеры использования:
My mother always airs the sheets before she makes the beds., leave the windows open to let the room…
To broadcast something or be broadcast on radio or television
Примеры использования:
Be aired live the game will be aired live on cbs at 7.00 tonight., the interview with the president…
To intentionally ignore or not answer someone
Примеры использования:
Why is he airing me?, you asked a question and you got aired.
Air – перевод с Английского на другие языки Air: перевод на Китайский язык Air: перевод на Нидерландский язык Lucht Air Luchten Tocht Luchtje Wijsje Houding Drogen Geuren Ademtocht Te koop lopen met Wijs Voorkomen Schijn Bespreken
Air: перевод на Французский язык Air Aérer Diffuser Aérien Air comprimé Brise Apparence Émettre Ventiler Rupture Aspect Exprimer
Air: перевод на Немецкий язык Luft Lüften Hauch Äther Entlüften Anstrich Belüften Wetter Touch Auftreten Ventilieren Äußern Weise
Air: перевод на Индийский язык वायु हवा हवाई वायवीय वात तान आकाशी हवा लगाना सुखाना वायु-मंडल हाव-भाव पवन समीर
Air: перевод на Итальянский язык Aria Ventilare Aerare Aereo Arieggiare Atmosfera Trasmettere Diffondere Libero spazio Aspetto
Air: перевод на Корейский язык 공기 대기 곡조 외양 뽐내는 꼴 전파 송신 매체 버리다 마르다 발표 바람에 쐬다 발표하다 방송하다 공기의 공기를 사용하는 하늘의
Air: перевод на Испанский язык Aire Ventilar Airear Aéreo Brisa Atmosférico Orear Cara Canción Publicar
Происхождение Английского слова Air
Middle English (in air (sense 1 of the noun)): from Old French air, from Latin aer, from Greek aēr, denoting the gas. air (sense 2 of the noun) is from French air, probably from Old French ai
Air синонимы
Introduce air into (a material).
Примеры использования:
Before seeding, consider aerating the lawn
To add a gas to liquid, especially a drink
Примеры использования:
Aerated water, earthworms help to aerate the soil., aerated soil
To allow air to act on something
Примеры использования:
Earthworms help to aerate the soil., aerated soil
The character and atmosphere of a place.
Примеры использования:
The relaxed ambience of the cocktail lounge is popular with guests
The character of a place or the quality it seems to have
Примеры использования:
The city’s ambience, particularly on the waterfront, is changing quickly.
The way that someone or something looks.
Примеры использования:
She checked her appearance in the mirror
The way a person or thing looks or seems to other people
Примеры использования:
The most striking feature of his appearance was his long hair., her only screen appearances were in…
An occasion when someone appears in public
Примеры использования:
It was his first appearance on television/television appearance as president., she will be making a…
A long accompanied song for a solo voice, typically one in an opera or oratorio.
Примеры использования:
Songs, arias, and operatic scenes are mixed together, and that works well too.
A piece of music in an opera sung by one person
Having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently.
Примеры использования:
An articulate account of their experiences
Pronounce (something) clearly and distinctly.
Примеры использования:
He articulated each word with precision
Expressing or able to express things easily and clearly
Примеры использования:
The first lady was an intelligent and articulate spokeswoman for a lot of causes., she has not yet …
A particular part or feature of something.
Примеры использования:
Personal effectiveness in all aspects of life
(of a planet) form an aspect with (another celestial body).
Примеры использования:
The sun is superbly aspected by your ruler mars on the 19th
One part of a situation, problem, subject, etc.
Примеры использования:
Aspect of which aspects of the job do you most enjoy?, his illness affects almost every aspect of h…
The distinctive atmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by a person, thing, or place.
Примеры использования:
The ceremony retains an aura of mystery
A feeling or character that a person or place seems to have
Примеры использования:
Aura of the woods have an aura of mystery., there's an aura of sadness about him., she has that sup…
A type of coloured light that some people say they can see around people and animals, that they believe shows something about their character, mood, health, etc.
Примеры использования:
Ever wondered what colour your aura is?, like humans, all creatures have an aura, and if it is powe…
A person's way of standing or moving.
Примеры использования:
A man of precise military bearing
Carry the weight of; support.
Примеры использования:
The bees form large colonies and need the thick branches of tall trees to bear the weight of their …
Connection to or influence on a result
Примеры использования:
The fact that he was ordered to stand trial has no bearing on whether he’ll be found guilty., she w…
Transmit (a programme or some information) by radio or television.
Примеры использования:
The announcement was broadcast live
A radio or television programme or transmission.
Примеры использования:
The queen's annual christmas tv broadcast
Relating to radio or television programmes.
Примеры использования:
A broadcast journalist
Move continuously or freely through a closed system or area.
Примеры использования:
Antibodies circulate in the bloodstream
To go around or through something, or to make something go around or through something
Примеры использования:
Hot water circulates through the heating system., i've circulated a good luck card for everyone to …
To move around at a party, etc., talking to different people
Примеры использования:
I try to circulate at a party and not just stay with the friends i came with.
Share or exchange information, news, or ideas.
Примеры использования:
The prisoner was forbidden to communicate with his family
To give messages or information to others through speech, writing, body movements, or signals
Примеры использования:
[ t ] she said we should communicate our requests in writing rather than over the telephone., [ i ]…
Of or at a fairly low temperature.
Примеры использования:
It'll be a cool afternoon
A fairly low temperature.
Примеры использования:
The cool of the night air
Примеры использования:
We dived into the river to cool off
A person's face or facial expression.
Примеры использования:
His impenetrable eyes and inscrutable countenance give little away
Admit as acceptable or possible.
Примеры использования:
He was reluctant to countenance the use of force
The appearance or expression of someone’s face
Примеры использования:
[ c ] her countenance masked her feelings., this school will not countenance lateness.
Say something in a solemn and emphatic manner.
Примеры использования:
The prime minister declared that the programme of austerity had paid off
To announce or express something clearly and publicly, esp. officially
Примеры использования:
The courts declared the policy unconstitutional., a state of emergency has been declared because of…
To make a public or official statement about something
Примеры использования:
All pre-existing health conditions should be declared to your insurer., after the acquittal, ceo, b…
Spread (something, especially information) widely.
Примеры использования:
Health authorities should foster good practice by disseminating information
To spread or give out something, especially news, information, ideas, etc., to a lot of people
Примеры использования:
One of the organization's aims is to disseminate information about the disease.
Convey (a thought or feeling) in words or by gestures and conduct.
Примеры использования:
He expressed complete satisfaction
Примеры использования:
Executives have their own express lift direct to floor 42
By express train or delivery service.
Примеры использования:
I got my wife to send my gloves express to the hotel
The action of making known one's thoughts or feelings.
Примеры использования:
The prisoners developed a dialect as an everyday means of expression
The act of saying what you think or showing how you feel using words or actions
Примеры использования:
Expression of he wrote her a poem as an expression of his love., we've received a lot of expression…
The look on someone's face, showing what they feel or think
Примеры использования:
I could tell from her expression that something serious had happened., mark always has such a miser…
An emotional state or reaction.
Примеры использования:
A feeling of joy
Showing emotion or sensitivity.
Примеры использования:
She was a feeling child
Be aware of (a person or object) through touching or being touched.
Примеры использования:
She felt someone touch her shoulder
The distinctive taste of a food or drink.
Примеры использования:
The yoghurt comes in eight fruit flavours
Alter or enhance the taste of (food or drink) by adding a particular ingredient.
Примеры использования:
Chunks of chicken flavoured with herbs
How food or drink tastes, or a particular taste itself
Примеры использования:
Add a little salt to bring out the flavour of the herbs., my fish was delicious but charles' beef h…
Make (something) newer, cleaner, or more attractive.
Примеры использования:
It didn't take long to freshen her make-up
To make something more clean and pleasant
Примеры использования:
These mints are supposed to freshen your breath., [ t ] she opened a window to freshen the room., […
To make something cleaner and/or cooler
Примеры использования:
She opened a window to freshen up the room.
To express your thoughts or feelings in words
Примеры использования:
I always had doubts about the project but i never gave voice to them.
An idea, feeling, or opinion about something or someone, especially one formed without conscious thought or on the basis of little evidence.
Примеры использования:
His first impressions of manchester were very positive
An idea or opinion of what someone or something is like
Примеры использования:
It makes a bad impression if you’re late for an interview., [ + that clause ] i get the impression …
A single time that an internet advertisement is seen by a user
Примеры использования:
They market a company's product for a fixed rate per 1,000 impressions., this is the second impress…
Put (something) down gently or carefully.
Примеры использования:
She laid the baby in his cot
Used with an abstract noun so that the phrase formed has the same meaning as the verb related to the noun used, e.g. ‘lay the blame on’ means ‘to blame’.
Примеры использования:
She laid great stress on little courtesies
Not ordained into or belonging to the clergy.
Примеры использования:
A lay preacher
Direct one's gaze toward someone or something or in a specified direction.
Примеры использования:
People were looking at him
An act of directing one's gaze in order to see someone or something.
Примеры использования:
Let me get a closer look
Used to call attention to what one is going to say.
Примеры использования:
‘look, this is ridiculous.’
A way in which a thing is done or happens.
Примеры использования:
Taking notes in an unobtrusive manner
The way in which something is done
Примеры использования:
Please exit the building in an orderly manner., his manner was formal, though friendly., she had a …
In the style of something
Примеры использования:
Her latest film is a suspense thriller very much in the manner of hitchcock.
A sequence of single notes that is musically satisfying; a tune.
Примеры использования:
He picked out an intricate melody on his guitar
The main tune in a piece of music that is often played or sung more than once
Примеры использования:
Could you play the melody for me?
A tune, often forming part of a larger piece of music
Примеры использования:
He played a few well-known melodies., his songs are always strong on melody.
A person's appearance or manner, especially as an indication of their character or mood.
Примеры использования:
He has a cautious, academic mien
A person's appearance, especially the typical expression on their face
Примеры использования:
His aristocratic mien and expensive clothes singled him out.
A temporary state of mind or feeling.
Примеры использования:
He appeared to be in a very good mood about something
A category or form which indicates whether a verb expresses fact (indicative mood), command (imperative mood), question (interrogative mood), wish (optative mood), or conditionality (subjunctive mood).
Примеры использования:
One is obliged to consider the interrelationship of tense and mood in arabic
The way you feel at a particular time
Примеры использования:
She’s in a good/bad mood today., "do you want to go to the movies?" "no, i’m not in the mood (= not…
A portion of an object or of material, produced by cutting, tearing, or breaking the whole.
Примеры использования:
A piece of cheese
Assemble something from parts or pieces.
Примеры использования:
The dinosaur was pieced together from 119 bones
Примеры использования:
A piece of cake/chicken/pizza, the vase lay on the floor in pieces (= broken into small parts)., sh…
Promote or make widely known (an idea or cause).
Примеры использования:
These objectives have to be promulgated within the organization
To spread beliefs or ideas among a lot of people
Примеры использования:
The new law was finally promulgated in the autumn of last year.
To announce something publicly, especially a new law
Примеры использования:
The new law was finally promulgated in the autumn of last year.
Make (something) widely known.
Примеры использования:
Use the magazine to publicize human rights abuses
Make known to people as a whole
To make information available about someone or something
Примеры использования:
Luna has helped publicize the problem of homelessness.
Prepare and issue (a book, journal, piece of music, etc.) for public sale, distribution, or readership.
Примеры использования:
We publish practical reference books
To make available to the public, usually by printing, a book, magazine, newspaper, or other document
Примеры использования:
[ t ] she was 29 when her first novel was published., [ t ] we plan to begin publishing a newslette…
To produce books, magazines, software, etc. and to make them available to the public by selling them
Примеры использования:
They publish a range of business books and software., the journal does not publish correspondence f…
The standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something.
Примеры использования:
An improvement in product quality
Of good quality; excellent.
Примеры использования:
He's a quality player
The degree of excellence of something, often a high degree of it
Примеры использования:
Our company guarantees the quality of our merchandise., the fabric was of the highest quality., we’…
Stop oneself from doing something.
Примеры использования:
She refrained from comment
A repeated line or number of lines in a poem or song, typically at the end of each verse.
Примеры использования:
These all seem to derive from the folio text, but some may supplement it by accurately recording wh…
To not let yourself do something
Примеры использования:
Please refrain from talking during the lecture., every year we hear the same refrain, that women ar…
Give new strength or energy to; reinvigorate.
Примеры использования:
The shower had refreshed her
An act or function of updating the display on a screen.
Примеры использования:
A faster-running system with snappy screen refreshes
To give new energy and strength to someone
Примеры использования:
A good night’s sleep will refresh you., lemonade is a good refresher on a hot summer day.
A short poem or other set of words set to music or meant to be sung.
Примеры использования:
A pop song
A dynasty that ruled in china ad 960–1279.
A usually short piece of music with words that are sung
Примеры использования:
To sing a song, a love/folk/pop song
Open out (something) so as to extend its surface area, width, or length.
Примеры использования:
I spread a towel on the sand and sat down
The fact or process of spreading over an area.
Примеры использования:
Warmer temperatures could help reduce the spread of the disease
Distribute or disperse widely
The particular condition that someone or something is in at a specific time.
Примеры использования:
The state of the company's finances
Express something definitely or clearly in speech or writing.
Примеры использования:
The report stated that more than 51 per cent of voters failed to participate
A condition or way of being
Примеры использования:
The stable was preserved in its original state., your room is in a terrible state., it's a sad stat…
Force (a part of one's body or oneself) to make an unusually great effort.
Примеры использования:
I stopped and listened, straining my ears for any sound
A force tending to pull or stretch something to an extreme or damaging degree.
Примеры использования:
The usual type of chair puts an enormous strain on the spine
A particular breed, stock, or variety of an animal or plant.
Примеры использования:
Australia has been trying to breed better strains of plants and animals for ever.
The subject of a talk, piece of writing, exhibition, etc.; a topic.
Примеры использования:
The theme of the sermon was reverence
Give a particular theme or setting to (a leisure venue, event, etc.).
Примеры использования:
The amusement park will be themed as a caribbean pirate stronghold
The topic of discussion or writing
Примеры использования:
The theme of the conference was the changing role of women in modern society.
A musical or vocal sound with reference to its pitch, quality, and strength.
Примеры использования:
They were speaking in hushed tones
Give greater strength or firmness to (the body or a muscle).
Примеры использования:
Push-ups help tone your abs
A quality in the voice that expresses the speaker's feelings or thoughts, often towards the person being spoken to
Примеры использования:
Tone of voice i tried to use a sympathetic tone of voice., don't speak to me in that tone of voice …
A melody, especially one that characterizes a particular piece of music.
Примеры использования:
She left the theatre humming a cheerful tune
Adjust (a musical instrument) to the correct or uniform pitch.
Примеры использования:
He tuned the harp for me
A series of musical notes, esp. one that is pleasant and easy to remember; a melody
Примеры использования:
That’s a very pretty tune., this piano is out of tune (= the notes are too high or low)., paul just…
An opening that allows air, gas, or liquid to pass out of or into a confined space.
Примеры использования:
Remove any debris blocking the vents
Give free expression to (a strong emotion).
Примеры использования:
We vent our spleen on drug barons
An opening or slit in a garment, especially in the lower part of the seam at the back of a coat.
Примеры использования:
It's made from super 120's italian wool and features a three-button closure, side vents and picksti…
Cause air to enter and circulate freely in (a room, building, etc.).
Примеры использования:
Ventilate the greenhouse well
To cause fresh air to enter and move around an enclosed space
Примеры использования:
Public buildings must be safe, clean, well lighted, and properly ventilated.
To cause fresh air to enter and move around a closed space
Примеры использования:
Ventilate the room well while applying the paint., i work in a very poorly-ventilated building.
A person's emotional state or the atmosphere of a place as communicated to and felt by others.
Примеры использования:
We've been picking up some bad vibes on that guy
Another term for vibraphone.
The mood of a place, situation, person, etc. and the way that they make you feel
Примеры использования:
Laid-back vibe the city is famous for its laid-back vibe., vibe of i loved the overall vibe of the …
The sound produced in a person's larynx and uttered through the mouth, as speech or song.
Примеры использования:
Meg raised her voice
Express (something) in words.
Примеры использования:
Get teachers to voice their opinions on important subjects
The sound made when people speak or sing, or the ability to make such a sound
Примеры использования:
[ c ] she spoke in a low, soft voice, and i had to ask her to speak louder., [ c ] i heard the murm…