Английский словарь Вордер
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Block - перевод на Русский и значение в Английском


На данной странице собраны все значения и формы слова block в Английском языке.

Узнайте как переводится Английское слово block на Русский язык, какие имеет синонимы и транскрипцию.

Перевод Block на Русский язык

БлокироватьБлокКолодкаКварталБлокировкаГлыбаБрусокМассивКубикБрусПрепятствиеШашкаПреграждатьЧурбанКубикиКолодаПлахаПреградаБревноЗаторПрепятствоватьБлокнотБлокпостРоликЗагораживатьБолванЖилищный массивШкивЗадерживатьЦеликЧуркаМасса однородных предметовСтроительКазнь на плахеДеревянная печатная формаФормаГруппа однородных предметовКамень кулисыСплошная массаТупицаБашкаНабрасывать вчернеЗаграждатьСоздавать препятствияПодпиратьПодкладыватьЗамораживатьЗасорятьЗасорятьсяБлок-участок

Block – что значит в Английском языке


A large solid piece of hard material, especially rock, stone, or wood, typically with flat surfaces on each side.

Примеры использования:

A block of marble



A large single building subdivided into separate rooms, flats, or offices.

Примеры использования:

A block of flats



A large quantity or allocation of things regarded as a unit.

Примеры использования:

A block of shares



An obstacle to the normal progress or functioning of something.

Примеры использования:

Substantial demands for time off may constitute a block to career advancement


ObstacleObstructionBarBarrierImpedimentHindranceCheckHurdleStumbling blockDifficultyProblemSnagDisadvantageComplicationDrawbackHitchHandicapDeterrentBlockageStoppageStoppi

A flat area of something, especially a solid area of colour.

Примеры использования:

Cover the eyelid with a neutral block of colour

A pulley or system of pulleys mounted in a case.

Примеры использования:

A simple pulley block

Make the movement or flow in (a passage, pipe, road, etc.) difficult or impossible.

Примеры использования:

The narrow roads were blocked by cars


Clog (up)Stop upChokePlugObstructGum upOccludeDam upCongestJamCloseBung upGunge upClose upBarShut offBarricadeSeal

Impress text or a design on (a book cover).

Примеры использования:

Original blue cloth, spine lettered and blocked in gold.

Shape or reshape (a hat) on a mould.

Примеры использования:

Nobody cleans and blocks old felt hats any more

Design or plan the movements of actors on a stage or movie set.




The buildings next to each other between crossing streets, or the distance from one street to the next in a city or town

Примеры использования:

There’s a good deli on this block., the new building will take up an entire city block., the wareho…

To decide officially to stop something from happening or continuing

Примеры использования:

The federal government's fight to block a bankruptcy settlement was rejected by the supreme court.,…

The distance along a street from where one road crosses it to the place where the next road crosses it, or one part of a street like this, especially in a town or city

Примеры использования:

The museum is just six blocks away., my friend and i live on the same block.

A square group of buildings or houses with roads on each side

Примеры использования:

I took a walk around the block.

On the next street that crosses this street

Примеры использования:

He lives just around the block.

A solid, straight-sided piece of hard material

Примеры использования:

A block of wood/ice

(in the past) a large piece of wood on which criminals had their head cut off

Примеры использования:

He placed his neck on the block and the executioner released the blade.

To be killed by having your head cut off

Примеры использования:

Anne boleyn went to the block., she went to the block with great courage and dignity., sir thomas c…

A large, usually tall building divided into separate parts for use as offices or homes by several different organizations or people

Примеры использования:

Office block they are erecting a new office block downtown., uk a tower block, uk a block of flats

A group of things bought, dealt with, or considered together

Примеры использования:

A block of tickets/seats/shares, block booking corporate hospitality firms make block bookings (= b…

Something that blocks a tube or opening

Примеры использования:

A block in (= an object blocking) the pipe was preventing the water from coming through.

In sport, the act of stopping or trying to stop an opponent or the ball from moving forwards

Примеры использования:

The defender made a lunging block.

To prevent movement through something

Примеры использования:

Block someone's way as she left the court, an angry crowd tried to block her way., a fallen tree is…

To be between someone and the thing they are looking at, so that they cannot see

Примеры использования:

My view was blocked by a tall man in front of me.

To stop something from happening or succeeding

Примеры использования:

She was very talented and i felt her parents were blocking her progress., a group of politicians bl…

In sport, to stop an opponent or the ball from moving forwards

Примеры использования:

Nobody blocked him as he ran into the open space., she jumped up and blocked the shot.

If a bank blocks someone's account, they make it impossible for that person to remove money from it

Примеры использования:

Federal agents blocked the accounts of five money-transfer operations in the city.

To stop emails, text messages, phone calls, etc. from being received

Примеры использования:

The carriers said they have rigorous filters to block spam, and they allow customers to block messa…

On social media, to stop a particular person from being able to communicate with you or read what you have written

Примеры использования:

My mum found out that i blocked her on twitter and gave me another serious talk., in the block user…

Block – перевод с Английского на другие языки

Block: перевод на Китайский язык


Block: перевод на Нидерландский язык


Block: перевод на Французский язык

BloquerBlocObstruerBoucherObstacleEntraverBarrerBâtimentGroupeFermerTrancheGênerEnrayerGelerPaquetSérieClichéPavillonBilleEmbouteillerEmbouteillageEmpêcher de passerCaboche

Block: перевод на Немецкий язык

BlockBlockierenSperrenBlockenVersperrenVerstopfenVerdeckenVerbauenKlotzSteinVerstopfungMotorblockZustellenVerstellenHäuserblockHintertreibenIm wege stehenKarreeBackeDruckstockAuffangenRichtblockMattscheibeObstruierenNehmen

Block: перевод на Индийский язык

खंड मैथाखंडबाधाकुंदाछपाई का ब्लाकघिरनीशिलाखंदपीड़कस्र्कावटअवस्र्द्ध करनाभवन-समूहरोक देनामार्गरोध करनाअवरोधीआड़संवर्ग

Block: перевод на Итальянский язык

BloccareBloccoIsolatoOstruireOstacolareBozzelloSbarrareCeppoArrestareIntasareOtturareOccludereMassoDisattivareCongelareFissareIntercettareNascondereIntasamentoOsteggiareBlocco cilindriRendere inattivoGrande edificio

Block: перевод на Корейский язык

차단하다블록덩어리장애물대량장애받침막다활차돋아나게 찍다막는 것거래 단위번화가블록 하다머리받침나무한 채의 큰 건축물의원연합배터가 배트를 놓고 있는 장소배터가 공을 막는 장소대량의 증권 등길 등을 막다방해하다상대방을 방해하다본을 뜨다표지를 돋아나게 찍다신경 쇠약에 걸리다

Block: перевод на Испанский язык

BloquearBloqueCuadraManzanaBloqueoObstruirTacoPoleaObstáculoGrupoCuboTajoObstrucciónZapataMotónPlataformaCalzoClichéCepoObstaculizarAdoquínCerrarHormaZoquetePellaObstruirseTrenEmbotellamientoCalzarEstamparDar forma aFraustinaEdificio comercialSerie de accionesChola

Происхождение Английского слова Block

Middle English (denoting a log or tree stump): from Old French bloc (noun), bloquer (verb), from Middle Dutch blok, of unknown ultimate origin.

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Block синонимы

Мой Вордер

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