Express - перевод на Русский и значение в Английском
На данной странице собраны все значения и формы слова express в Английском языке.
Узнайте как переводится Английское слово express на Русский язык, какие имеет синонимы и транскрипцию.
Перевод Express на Русский язык
Express – что значит в Английском языке
verbConvey (a thought or feeling) in words or by gestures and conduct.
Примеры использования:
He expressed complete satisfactionСинонимы:
CommunicateConveyIndicateShowDemonstrateRevealIntimateManifestMake manifestExhibitEvidencePut across/overGet across/overArticulatePut into wordsUtterVoiceGive voice toGive everbSqueeze out (liquid or air).
Примеры использования:
She would express her milk using a pump and take it home for her babyСинонимы:
Squeeze outPress outWring outForce outExtractExpelverbCause (an inherited characteristic or gene) to appear in a phenotype.
Примеры использования:
The genes are expressed in a variety of cell lines
adjectiveOperating at high speed.
Примеры использования:
Executives have their own express lift direct to floor 42Синонимы:
adverbBy express train or delivery service.
Примеры использования:
I got my wife to send my gloves express to the hotel
nounA train that stops at few stations and travels quickly.
Примеры использования:
We embarked for the south of france on an overnight expressСинонимы:
Express trainFast trainDirect trainnounA special delivery service.
Примеры использования:
The books arrived by expressnounAn express rifle.
verbSend by express messenger or delivery.
Примеры использования:
I expressed my clothes to my destination
adjectiveStated explicitly, not merely implied.
Примеры использования:
It was his express wish that the celebration should continueСинонимы:
ExplicitClearDirectPlainDistinctUnambiguousUnequivocalUnmistakableObviousSpecificPreciseClear-cutCrystal clearStraightforwardCertainCategoricalPositiveConclusivePointedWell
verbTo show a feeling or idea by what you say or do or by how you look
Примеры использования:
She’s expressed interest in doing some camping., several victims expressed disappointment at the sm…
verbTo state an opinion or fact, or say how you feel about something
Примеры использования:
Express doubts/reservations international observers had expressed growing doubts that the balloting…
verbTo show a feeling, opinion, or fact
Примеры использования:
Her eyes expressed deep sadness., i would like to express my thanks for your kindness., express how…
verbTo communicate what you think or feel, by speaking or writing, or in some other way
Примеры использования:
I'm afraid i'm not expressing myself very clearly., children often express themselves in painting.,…
verbTo send something somewhere very quickly
Примеры использования:
Be expressed to your order will be expressed to you within 24 hours.
adjectiveMoving or being sent fast
Примеры использования:
Express delivery please send this letter by express delivery., express train she took the overnight…
adjectiveClearly and intentionally stated
Примеры использования:
Express wish it is my express wish that after my death, my books be given to my old college library…
adverbUsing a service that does something faster than usual
Примеры использования:
Send something express please can you send this parcel express?
nounA train or bus that takes less time to do a journey than other trains or buses
Примеры использования:
The quickest way to get here is to take the uptown express., the orient express
nounA service that does something faster than usual
Примеры использования:
By express this parcel needs to be sent by express.
Express – перевод с Английского на другие языки
Express: перевод на Китайский язык
Express: перевод на Нидерландский язык
Express: перевод на Французский язык
Express: перевод на Немецкий язык
Express: перевод на Индийский язык
Express: перевод на Итальянский язык
Express: перевод на Корейский язык
Express: перевод на Испанский язык
Происхождение Английского слова Express
late Middle English: from Old French expres, from Latin expressus ‘distinctly presented’, past participle of exprimere ‘press out’, from ex- ‘out’ + primere ‘press’.
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