Английский словарь Вордер
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Free – что значит в Английском языке


Able to act or be done as one wishes; not under the control of another.

Примеры использования:

I have no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free

Not or no longer confined or imprisoned.

Примеры использования:

The researchers set the birds free


On the looseAt libertyAt largeLooseUnconfinedUnboundUntiedUnchainedUntetheredUnshackledUnfetteredUnrestrainedUnsecured

Not subject to engagements or obligations.

Примеры использования:

She spent her free time shopping


UnoccupiedNot at workNot workingNot busyNot tied upBetween appointmentsOff dutyOff workOffOn leaveIdleAt leisureWith time on one's handsWith time to spareAvailableContactableO

Not subject to or affected by (something undesirable).

Примеры использования:

Our salsas are free of preservatives


Unencumbered byUnaffected byClear ofWithoutDevoid ofLacking inExempt fromNot liable toSafe fromImmune toRelieved ofReleased fromExcused ofExempted fromRid ofSansMinus

Given or available without charge.

Примеры использования:

Free healthcare


Without chargeFree of chargeFor nothingComplimentaryGratisGratuitousAt no costFor freeOn the house

Using or expending something without restraint; lavish.

Примеры использования:

She was always free with her money



(of literature or music) not observing the normal conventions of style or form.

Примеры использования:

Eliot famously thought that no verse was free, for the poet who wanted to do a good job.

(of the wind) blowing from a favourable direction to the side or aft of a vessel.

Примеры использования:

We had the wind free, a lightish air; but clouds of an inky blackness were beginning to arise, and …

Without cost or payment.

Примеры использования:

Ladies were admitted free


Without chargeFree of chargeFor nothingComplimentaryGratisGratuitousAt no costFor freeOn the house

With the sheets eased.

Примеры использования:

I kept her off the wind and sailing free until i had all square forward

Release from confinement or slavery.

Примеры использования:

They were freed from jail


ReleaseLiberateDischargeEmancipateSet freeLet goSet at libertySet looseLet looseTurn looseDeliverUntieUnchainUnfetterUnshackleUnmanacleUncageUnleashSparePardonReprieveCle

Remove something undesirable or restrictive from.

Примеры использования:

His inheritance freed him from financial constraints


ExemptMake exemptExceptExcuseAbsolveRelieve ofAbsolve ofUnburden ofDisburden ofStrip ofDispense from

Make available for a particular purpose.

Примеры использования:

We are freeing management time for alternative work
combining form

Free of or from.

Примеры использования:


Not limited or controlled

Примеры использования:

[ + to infinitive ] you are free to come and go as you please., [ + to infinitive ] please feel fre…

Costing nothing

Примеры использования:

They received two free return air-tickets every year., tomorrow, shoppers will receive free samples…

Relaxed and informal

Примеры использования:

The atmosphere in the office is fairly free and easy.

Costing nothing, or not needing to be paid for

Примеры использования:

I got some free cinema tickets., members all receive a free copy of the monthly newsletter., the el…

Not a prisoner any longer, or having unlimited movement

Примеры использования:

She left the court a free woman after the case against her collapsed because of a legal technicalit…

Not in a fixed position or not joined to anything

Примеры использования:

Free of both bookcases stand free of the wall., the bolts have worked themselves free because of th…

Not doing anything planned or important, or available to be used

Примеры использования:

Free time i do a lot of reading in my free time., free to she's in a meeting at the moment, but she…

Not having something that is unwanted or unpleasant

Примеры использования:

Free from the organization is a charitable enterprise, so it is free from tax worldwide., free of s…

Giving or using often or in large amounts

Примеры использования:

He's rather free with his wife's money.

To use something that belongs to someone else a lot

Примеры использования:

Don't her parents mind her making free with their house while they're on holiday?

If an element is free, it is not combined with anything else or attached to anything else

Примеры использования:

Free oxygen/nitrogen

To allow someone to leave a prison or place where they have been kept

Примеры использования:

After a ten-hour siege the gunman agreed to free the hostages., free someone/something from somethi…

To move or make loose someone or something that is caught or held somewhere

Примеры использования:

Both men were freed from the wreckage after a four-hour operation., in vain he tried to free the ro…

To remove the limits or controls on someone or something

Примеры использования:

Free someone to do something her retirement from politics will free her (= provide her with enough …

To make something available for someone to use

Примеры использования:

They planned to extend the car park, freeing existing parking spaces for visitors., free something …

Used at the end of words to mean "without having to pay"

Примеры использования:

They agreed to let us live there rent-free., many banks are now offering interest-free overdrafts t…

Used at the end of words to mean "without"

Примеры использования:

Lead-free fuel, no working environment is entirely stress-free., the journey was surprisingly hassl…

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무료비어 있는한가한자유스러운옥에 갇혀 있지 않은편견 등이 없는자유로이 ...할 수 있는개방된무료의활수한거북하지 않은선약이 없는유려한고정되지 않은개음절의순풍의

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LibreGratisGratuitoFrancoDisponibleSueltoLibrarLibertarDesocupadoSoltarDesatadoPoner en libertadFranquearDescaradoManumitirDe favorVacanteEximirDesatascarRebatiñaExentarDesvergonzadoDesenredarDespejarDesembarazarSalvarRescatar

Происхождение Английского слова Free

Old English frēo (adjective), frēon (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vrij and German frei, from an Indo-European root meaning ‘to love’, shared by friend.

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Мой Вордер

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