Все Английские слова с переводом на Русский язык - страница 1041
nounLondon, especially the east end, as the home of cockneys.
ˈkɒk.ninounA native of east london, traditionally one born within hearing of bow bells.
Примеры использования:
Charlie was a cockney by birth, but he'd spent a lot of time abroad
adjectiveOf or characteristic of cockneys or their dialect or accent.
Примеры использования:
Cockney humour
nounThe quality or status of being a cockney. also with possessive adjective as a mock title of respect for a london cockney.
ˈkɒk.pɪtnounA compartment for the pilot, and sometimes also the crew, in an aircraft or spacecraft.
Примеры использования:
Today, the air force involuntarily removes young pilots from the cockpits of manned aircraft for 36…
ˈkɒk.pɪtnounA compartment for the pilot, and sometimes also the crew, in an aircraft or spacecraft.
Примеры использования:
Today, the air force involuntarily removes young pilots from the cockpits of manned aircraft for 36…
ˈkɒk.rəʊtʃnounA scavenging insect that resembles a beetle, having long antennae and legs and typically a broad, flattened body. several tropical kinds have become established worldwide as household pests.
Примеры использования:
Houseflies, mosquitoes and cockroaches are identified as the most common domestic insect pests.
ˈkɒk.rəʊtʃnounA scavenging insect that resembles a beetle, having long antennae and legs and typically a broad, flattened body. several tropical kinds have become established worldwide as household pests.
Примеры использования:
Houseflies, mosquitoes and cockroaches are identified as the most common domestic insect pests.
kɒknounA male bird, especially of a domestic fowl.
Примеры использования:
Pheasants are handsome birds, especially the cocks, which are larger than the hens.
verbTilt (something) in a particular direction.
Примеры использования:
She cocked her head slightly to one side
ˈkɒks.kəʊmnounThe crest or comb of a domestic cock.
Примеры использования:
This pie would be one containing especially fine titbits such as cockscombs and sweetbreads.
ˈkɒks.kəʊmnounThe crest or comb of a domestic cock.
Примеры использования:
This pie would be one containing especially fine titbits such as cockscombs and sweetbreads.
ˈkɒks.fʊtnounA pasture grass with broad leaves and green or purplish flowering spikes.
Примеры использования:
Allow natural colonisation of seed tussocky grasses such as cocksfoot and yorkshire fog.
nounA target for throwing sticks or stones at as a game.
Примеры использования:
‘we will make a cockshy of you if you don't look out,’ said one; and another actually threw a stone…
nounSomething used as a target for objects thrown as part of a game or for amusement. also figurative: a target for criticism, disparagement, ridicule, etc., especially something regarded as having been set up for this purpose.
nounTwilight. frequently as a modifier or more fully in "cockshut light", "cockshut time", etc.
nounA target for throwing sticks or stones at as a game.
Примеры использования:
‘we will make a cockshy of you if you don't look out,’ said one; and another actually threw a stone…
nounThe action or practice of throwing objects at a target; especially the action of playing cockshy.
ˌkɒkˈʃɔːradjectiveConfident in an excessive or arrogant way.
Примеры использования:
The cocksure golf prodigy from california
ˈkɒk.teɪlnounAn alcoholic drink consisting of a spirit or spirits mixed with other ingredients, such as fruit juice or cream.
Примеры использования:
A cocktail bar
ˈkɒk.teɪl ˌlaʊndʒnounA large, comfortable room in a hotel where you can meet people and be served alcoholic drinks
adjectiveDesignating a horse with a docked tail which sticks up.
nounThe action of drinking cocktails or of attending a cocktail party.
adjectiveThat drinks cocktails; given to drinking cocktails.
ˈkɒk.teɪlnounAn alcoholic drink consisting of a spirit or spirits mixed with other ingredients, such as fruit juice or cream.
Примеры использования:
A cocktail bar
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