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ˌkraɪˈɒn.ɪksplural nounThe practice or technique of deep-freezing the bodies of people who have just died, in the hope that scientific advances may allow them to be revived in the future.
Примеры использования:
I still believe that's true, but it seems the day might come when cryonics is medically prudent.
nounThe process of storing a dead body by freezing it until science has advanced to such a degree that it is able to bring that person back to life
adjective= cryophilic .
nounA cryophilic organism. also in extended or humorous use: a person or organism that prefers a colder climate or environment.
adjectiveOf an organism, especially a bacterium: that flourishes at low temperatures.
adjectiveHaving the nature or function of a cryophorus; of or relating to the cryophorus.
nounAn instrument for demonstrating the freezing of water by evaporation, invented by w. h. wollaston.
nounA lithium- and iron-containing mica, now regarded as a variety of lepidolite.
nounA plant or alga which can withstand very cold or freezing conditions, especially one growing in snow or ice.
nounSmall and microscopic organisms (especially algae) that inhabit snow and ice.
nounAn instrument used in cryosurgery to freeze selected areas of tissue.
adjectiveChiefly of chemicals: giving protection to living tissues, organs, etc., against damage caused by freezing temperatures.
adjectiveOf or relating to cryoscopy; involving use of a cryoscope.
nounThe measurement of the freezing point of liquids; especially the procedure of measuring by how much the freezing point of a liquid is lowered when a substance is dissolved in it.
nounThe measurement of the freezing point of liquids; especially the procedure of measuring by how much the freezing point of a liquid is lowered when a substance is dissolved in it.
ˈkraɪ.ə.sfɪərnounThe part of the earth's surface where water exists as ice; the entire region of the natural environment that is below 0°c, especially permanently.
nounAn apparatus for maintaining a very low temperature.
Примеры использования:
Temperature was controlled by a gold-chromel thermocouple at the base of the cryostat and monitored…
nounAn apparatus for maintaining a very low temperature.
Примеры использования:
Temperature was controlled by a gold-chromel thermocouple at the base of the cryostat and monitored…
ˌkraɪ.əʊˈsɜː.dʒər.inounSurgery using the local application of intense cold to destroy unwanted tissue.
Примеры использования:
There are chapters on skin flaps, skin grafting, dermabrasion, tissue expansion, cryosurgery, chemi…
adjectiveOf or relating to cryosurgery; produced by or used in cryosurgery.
nounThe use of extreme cold in surgery or other medical treatment.
Примеры использования:
Previous treatment options have included stents, laser treatment, cryotherapy, radiation therapy, a…
nounA switching device that depends for its operation on the fact that an externally applied magnetic field destroys superconductivity.
nounA switching device that depends for its operation on the fact that an externally applied magnetic field destroys superconductivity.
nounAn underground room or vault beneath a church, used as a chapel or burial place.
Примеры использования:
Thirteen additional art works were packed into the central aisle, adjacent chapels and underground …
nounExtrasensory perception, especially telepathy or clairvoyance; a faculty for this.
adjectiveOf, relating to, or of the nature of a crypt of the body.
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