Все Английские слова с переводом на Русский язык - страница 141
nounNitrogen trichloride (ncl₃) used as an additive to bleach and artificially age flour.
ˌeɪˈdʒen.ə.sɪsnounFailure of development, or incomplete development, of a part of the body.
adjectiveUnable to reproduce; sterile; infertile.
ˌeɪˈdʒen.ə.sɪsnounFailure of development, or incomplete development, of a part of the body.
adjective(of flour, bread, etc.) containing agene.
ˈeɪ.dʒəntnounA person who acts on behalf of another person or group.
Примеры использования:
In the event of illness, a durable power of attorney enabled her nephew to act as her agent
ˌæʒ.ɒ̃ prəˌvɒk.əˈtɜːrnounA person who intentionally encourages people to do something illegal, usually so that they can be arrested
Примеры использования:
The movement had been widely infiltrated by agents provocateurs working for secret services., he is…
adjectiveOf, belonging, or relating to an agent or agency; that is or acts as an agent.
nounThe business or process of acting as an agent; the profession of an agent.
adjectiveTaking an active role; producing an effect.
Примеры использования:
The programme envisions designers as agentive, social citizens
nounThe office or function of an agent; the activity or occupation of an agent or agency; the process or fact of being an agent.
nounThe office or function of an agent; the activity or occupation of an agent or agency; the process or fact of being an agent.
ˈeɪ.dʒəntnounA person who acts on behalf of another person or group.
Примеры использования:
In the event of illness, a durable power of attorney enabled her nephew to act as her agent
nounThe position, role, or function of an agent; agency.
adjectiveNot geometrical; = "non-geometrical".
ˌnjuːˈeɪ.dʒərnounSomeone who does not accept society's normal ideas and ways of living, and is interested in ideas that existed before modern scientific and economic theories
Примеры использования:
Many new agers are vegetarians and environmentalists., new agers attach mystical significance to th…
nounThe quality of not growing old; the non-appearance of the signs of age.
nounAny of various flowering plants constituting the genus ageratum (family asteraceae (compositae)), native chiefly to tropical america; especially any of the many cultivated varieties of a. houstonianum (formerly a. mexicanum) commonly grown in gardens for their clusters of pink, purple, or blue flowers.
nounAny of various flowering plants constituting the genus ageratum (family asteraceae (compositae)), native chiefly to tropical america; especially any of the many cultivated varieties of a. houstonianum (formerly a. mexicanum) commonly grown in gardens for their clusters of pink, purple, or blue flowers.
ˌnjuːˈeɪ.dʒərnounSomeone who does not accept society's normal ideas and ways of living, and is interested in ideas that existed before modern scientific and economic theories
Примеры использования:
Many new agers are vegetarians and environmentalists., new agers attach mystical significance to th…
nounThe length of time that a person has lived or a thing has existed.
Примеры использования:
He died from a heart attack at the age of 51
verbGrow old or older.
Примеры использования:
The tiredness we feel as we age
plural nounA very long time
Примеры использования:
It’s been ages since i’ve seen you.
əˈɡjuː.zi.ənoun†a substance that causes ageusia (obsolete rare); a person affected with ageusia.
adjectiveOf or relating to ageusia; affected with ageusia.
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