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nounAny of numerous grasses found in temperate climates worldwide constituting the genus agrostis, which includes some important turf and forage grasses, as creeping bent grass, a. stolonifera, and common bent grass, a. capillaris.
nounA systematic account or description of the grasses; the branch of botany concerned with this.
nounA systematic account or description of the grasses; the branch of botany concerned with this.
nounA systematic account or description of the grasses; the branch of botany concerned with this.
adjectiveOf or relating to grasses or agrostology.
nounThe branch of botany concerned with grasses.
Примеры использования:
Hence, an agrostology project was thought to be a highly important option for the state.
əˈɡraʊndadjective(of a ship) lying on or touching the ground under shallow water.
Примеры использования:
A cargo ship aground in the pentland firth
adverb(with reference to a ship) on or on to the ground under shallow water.
Примеры использования:
The ships must slow to avoid running aground
nounThe state of wakefulness or sleeplessness; insomnia, (in later use) especially when severe and due to a disorder of or injury to the brain; an instance of this.
nounThe state of wakefulness or sleeplessness; insomnia, (in later use) especially when severe and due to a disorder of or injury to the brain; an instance of this.
nounThe state of wakefulness or sleeplessness; insomnia, (in later use) especially when severe and due to a disorder of or injury to the brain; an instance of this.
nounA drug or treatment administered to produce wakefulness or prevent sleep; an antihypnotic; a stimulant.
adjectiveProducing wakefulness or sleeplessness; antihypnotic; acting as a stimulant.
nounThe avocado; (also) the tropical evergreen tree, persea americana, which bears this fruit (now rare).
nounA distilled liquor resembling brandy, especially as made in south america from sugar cane.
Примеры использования:
Beer and rum, including a fairly raw variety known as aguardiente are the most popular alcoholic dr…
ˈeɪɡ.juːnounMalaria or another illness involving fever and shivering.
Примеры использования:
‘we have just moved our camp out of the cypress swamp where the men were fast succumbing to the mal…
nounMalaria or another illness involving fever and shivering.
Примеры использования:
‘we have just moved our camp out of the cypress swamp where the men were fast succumbing to the mal…
adjectiveIn predicative use: that is gushing; flowing; in full flow.
adjectiveOf, relating to, or characterized by (old) age; aged, old.
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