Все Английские слова с переводом на Русский язык - страница 166
nounA grey mineral of metallic appearance, consisting of manganese(ii) sulphide and typically occurring as cubic or octahedral crystals.
noun(the title of) the chief magistrate of the jews at alexandria under the ptolemies and romans.
ˌæl.əˈbæs.tərnounA translucent form of gypsum or calcite, typically white, often carved into ornaments.
Примеры использования:
The stones used include red jasper, white oriental alabaster, yellow chalcedony, and green gabbro.
adjectiveMade of alabaster.
Примеры использования:
The gilded alabaster tomb of sir anthony browne
adjectiveMade of or resembling alabaster, in particular in being white or smooth.
Примеры использования:
Her long alabastrine hands
nounAlabaster; specifically oriental alabaster (onyx marble), used for artefacts in ancient times.
nounA vessel for holding perfume, unguents, or ointments.
nounA vessel for holding perfume, unguents, or ointments.
nounA vessel for holding perfume, unguents, or ointments.
nounA vessel for holding perfume, unguents, or ointments.
əˈlækexclamationUsed to express regret or dismay.
Примеры использования:
But, alas and alack… no willing extra hands around.
adjectiveBrisk or lively.
Примеры использования:
She danced her solos with vigour and alacritous changes of focus
əˈlæk.rə.tinounBrisk and cheerful readiness.
Примеры использования:
She accepted the invitation with alacrity
əˌlæd.ɪnz ˈkeɪvproper nounThe hero of a story in the arabian nights, who finds an old lamp which, when rubbed, summons a genie who obeys the will of the owner.
nounA store of very many interesting or unusual objects
Примеры использования:
His shop, a veritable aladdin's cave of antiques, is for sale.
ˌhaɪ əˈlaɪnounA game played on a special playing area by players who hit a small hard ball against a wall with a device made of wicker (= very thin pieces of wood twisted together) fastened to their arm
Примеры использования:
Jai alai originated in the basque region of spain over 300 years ago., in 1999, king and his wife b…
exclamationExpressing exultation, encouragement, etc.: used as a battle cry by the ancient greeks.
nounA cry of ‘alala’.
nounInability to speak normally; loss of the ability to speak, especially as a result of damage to certain areas of the brain.
nounA mineral regarded as a variety of or identical with diopside.
noun(in spain and spanish-speaking areas) a public walkway or promenade, shaded with trees.
Примеры использования:
‘a brass band played a languid waltz under the alameda of blossoming matarratón trees,’ he says at …
noun(in spain and spanish-speaking areas) a public walkway or promenade, shaded with trees.
Примеры использования:
‘a brass band played a languid waltz under the alameda of blossoming matarratón trees,’ he says at …
nounIn the system attributed to guido d'arezzo: the note a in any hexachord except the lowest, corresponding to a or a′ in helmholtz's notation, and sung to the syllables la, mi, or re; = "a mi la".
proper nounA mission in san antonio, texas, site of a siege in 1836 by mexican forces, in which all 180 defenders were killed.
nounThe quality of being à la mode; fashionableness, modishness.
adverbTo (the) death; mortally, fatally. also hyperbolically. compare "amort". now somewhat rare.
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