Все Английские слова с переводом на Русский язык - страница 180
nounChiefly in medieval and early modern spain: a muslim cleric, an expert in islamic law.
nounChiefly in medieval and early modern spain: a muslim cleric, an expert in islamic law.
nounChiefly in spanish- and portuguese-speaking contexts: an ensign, a standard-bearer; a second lieutenant.
nounChiefly in spanish- and portuguese-speaking contexts: an ensign, a standard-bearer; a second lieutenant.
nounAny of several storksbills of the eurasian genus erodium, especially e. cicutarium (with bright pink flowers) and e. moschatum (with purple flowers), formerly cultivated as forage plants and now widely naturalized in north america.
nounAny of several storksbills of the eurasian genus erodium, especially e. cicutarium (with bright pink flowers) and e. moschatum (with purple flowers), formerly cultivated as forage plants and now widely naturalized in north america.
nounAny of several storksbills of the eurasian genus erodium, especially e. cicutarium (with bright pink flowers) and e. moschatum (with purple flowers), formerly cultivated as forage plants and now widely naturalized in north america.
nounMore fully "alphonso mango". a small yellow or orange mango variety native to and chiefly cultivated in western india, which is highly prized for its sweet, perfumed flesh.
nounIn spain, portugal, latin america, and other areas of spanish or portuguese influence: a pouch or bag, typically of leather; a saddlebag.
nounIn spain, portugal, latin america, and other areas of spanish or portuguese influence: a pouch or bag, typically of leather; a saddlebag.
proper noun(849–99), king of wessex 871–99; known as alfred the great. alfred's military resistance saved south-western england from viking occupation. a great reformer, he is credited with the foundation of the english navy and with a revival of learning.
ˌæl ˈfres.kəʊadjective(especially with reference to eating) in the open air.
Примеры использования:
In the unlikely event of some sunshine you can even dine al fresco
nounA member of an indigenous people or group of peoples inhabiting sulawesi, the moluccas, and certain other islands of south-east asia.
nounA member of an indigenous people or group of peoples inhabiting sulawesi, the moluccas, and certain other islands of south-east asia; = alfur .
adjectiveOf or relating to the alfurese or their languages.
nounA simple, non-flowering, and typically aquatic plant of a large group that includes the seaweeds and many single-celled forms. algae contain chlorophyll but lack true stems, roots, leaves, and vascular tissue.
Примеры использования:
That is, a simple alga like volvox and a complex metazoan like an octopus both occupy the same subl…
ˈæl.ɡiːnounA simple, non-flowering, and typically aquatic plant of a large group that includes the seaweeds and many single-celled forms. algae contain chlorophyll but lack true stems, roots, leaves, and vascular tissue.
Примеры использования:
That is, a simple alga like volvox and a complex metazoan like an octopus both occupy the same subl…
adjectiveRelating to or characteristic of algae.
Примеры использования:
Opaque covers were placed over the containers to limit algal growth
nounAntimony oxychloride, a white solid formerly used in powdered form as an emetic. also "algaroth powder", "algaroth's powder", "powder of algaroth".
nounAntimony oxychloride, a white solid formerly used in powdered form as an emetic. also "algaroth powder", "algaroth's powder", "powder of algaroth".
nounThe carob tree, ceratonia siliqua, native chiefly to the mediterranean area and north africa; (also) the multi-seeded pod of this tree, used (especially formerly) as animal fodder.
ˈæl.dʒə.brənounThe part of mathematics in which letters and other general symbols are used to represent numbers and quantities in formulae and equations.
Примеры использования:
Courses in algebra, geometry, and newtonian physics
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