Все Английские слова с переводом на Русский язык - страница 279
ænˈtæɡ.ə.naɪzverbCause (someone) to become hostile.
Примеры использования:
The aim was to antagonize visiting supporters
adjectiveThat relieves pain; of or relating to the relief of pain.
nounAn antalgic medication; = "analgesic".
adjectiveThat relieves pain; of or relating to the relief of pain.
nounAn antalgic medication; = "analgesic".
nounA substance which counteracts the effects of alkalis, especially in the human body.
adjectiveCounteracting the action of alkalis, especially in the human body.
nounA substance which counteracts the effects of alkalis, especially in the human body.
nounA figure of speech involving repetition of a word in a different sense.
nounA figure of speech in which an undesirable continuation is averted; specifically (a) introduction of a positive modification of, aspect to, or conclusion from an initial negative statement; (b) use of counter-accusation or recrimination to avoid answering a charge, etc.
nounThe point on the celestial sphere, situated in the southern constellation columba, away from which the solar system is moving relative to nearby stars; the point diametrically opposite to the solar apex; more fully "solar antapex". also: the point on the celestial sphere away from which the earth is moving at any given moment in its orbital motion round the sun.
nounThe point on the celestial sphere, situated in the southern constellation columba, away from which the solar system is moving relative to nearby stars; the point diametrically opposite to the solar apex; more fully "solar antapex". also: the point on the celestial sphere away from which the earth is moving at any given moment in its orbital motion round the sun.
adjectiveTending to suppress sexual desire or activity; = "anaphrodisiac".
nounAn antiaphrodisiac agent; = "anaphrodisiac".
nounA reply to an apology, especially to a written defence or justification of religious opinions.
ænˈtɑːk.tɪkadjectiveRelating to the south polar region or antarctica.
Примеры использования:
This reduced the mixing of warm, tropical ocean water and cold, polar water causing the buildup of …
nounThe antarctic region.
Примеры использования:
Penguins are the most common birds in the antarctic.
ænˈtɑːk.tɪ.kəproper nounA continent round the south pole, situated mainly within the antarctic circle and almost entirely covered by ice sheets. its exploitation is governed by an international treaty of 1959, which was renewed in 1991.
nounThe continent around the south pole
adverbIn an antarctic manner or direction; especially (cold) as in the antarctic.
proper nounThe brightest star in the constellation scorpius. it is a binary star of which the main component is a red supergiant.
nounA medicinal agent used to treat arthritis (in early use specifically gout). compare earlier "arthritic", arthritical .
adjectiveUsed to treat arthritis (in early use specifically gout); of or relating to the treatment of arthritis.
nounA square pilaster on either side of a door, or at the corner of a building.
nounA medicinal agent used to treat asthma.
adjectiveUsed to treat asthma; of or relating to the treatment of asthma; designating such treatment.
adjectiveThat counteracts atrophy or wasting; designating this action; of or relating to this action.
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