Все Английские слова с переводом на Русский язык - страница 361
nounPain in a joint.
Примеры использования:
Arthritis is joint pain with inflammation, whereas arthralgia is joint pain without inflammation.
ɑːˈθrɪt.ɪkadjectiveAffected by or associated with arthritis.
Примеры использования:
Arthritic joints
nounA person suffering from arthritis.
adverbWith arthritis, as a result of arthritis; in an arthritic manner.
ɑːˈθrɪt.ɪknounA person suffering from arthritis.
adjectiveAffected by or associated with arthritis.
Примеры использования:
Arthritic joints
ɑːˈθraɪ.tɪsnounA disease causing painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints.
Примеры использования:
Some people with psoriasis develop an inflammation of the joints known as psoriatic arthritis.
nounPredisposition to gout or other form of arthritis; arthritic diathesis.
nounIn some crustaceans: a gill attached to the articulating membrane of the basal joint of a thoracic appendage with the body.
ɑːˈθrɒd.ə.sɪsnounSurgical immobilization of a joint by fusion of the bones.
Примеры использования:
Also called joint fusion, in arthrodesis your surgeon uses pins to hold your joint in one position.
nounOriginally: articulation between two bones having nearly flat opposing surfaces, allowing only a limited gliding movement (now rare); (later) a joint of this type.
adjectiveOf the nature of or characteristic of an arthrodia; of or relating to an arthrodia.
noun= arthrodire .
adjectiveBelonging to or characteristic of an arthodiran or the order arthrodira.
nounA member of the extinct order arthrodira of placoderm fishes, which are known from devonian fossil deposits and have a bony head-shield that is articulated at the neck to another bony shield covering the upper part of the body.
nounPain in a joint; an instance or case of this.
nounRadiological examination of a joint, especially by the injection of a contrast medium.
nounPersistent contracture or rigidity of one or more joints; specifically (more fully "arthrogryposis multiplex congenita") any of a group of syndromes characterized by congenital contractures of a number of joints, especially of the hands and feet, and associated with various abnormalities of muscle, nerve, or connective tissue.
nounThe systematic use of the fingers and hands as a means of communication; a manual alphabet. compare "dactylology", "chirology".
nounAny of various devices for measuring the range of movement of joints.
nounThe measurement of the range of movement of joints.
adjectiveOf the nature of arthropathy; accompanied by or involving arthropathy.
adjectiveRelating to or involving arthroplasty.
nounThe surgical reconstruction or replacement of a joint.
Примеры использования:
The ageing of the world's population has been the primary driver for hip replacement, or arthroplasty
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