Английский словарь

Все Английские слова с переводом на Русский язык - страница 368

Насколько известно

Based on what someone knows

Примеры использования:

As far as i know, he isn’t coming until tomorrow., as far as the doctors can tell, she didn't have …
Подходит как скрипкаВ прекрасном настроенииКак нельзя лучшеСовершенно здоров

In very good health.

Примеры использования:

What keeps him youthful, healthy and fit as a fiddle?

To be very healthy and strong

Примеры использования:

My grandmother's 89, but she's as fit as a fiddle.
Как блоха

To be very healthy and strong

Примеры использования:

My grandmother's 89, but she's as fit as a fiddle.
Плоский как блин

Very level

Примеры использования:

In some parts of the west, the land is as flat as a pancake .
Так же хорошо, какВсе равно чтоФактически


Примеры использования:

The decorating is as good as finished - i just need to finish off the painting.
Как новый

In very good condition again, after not working well

Примеры использования:

Yaman fixed my computer, and now it’s good as new.
Твердый как гвоздьБесчувственныйВ формеВыносливыйЖестокий

Not feeling or showing any emotions such as sympathy, fear, or worry

Как бы то ни было

Used to mean that you accept that a piece of information is true but it does not change your opinion of the subject you are discussing

Примеры использования:

Building a new children's home will cost a lot of money but, be that as it may, there is an urgent …
Острый как горчицаПолный энтузиазма

Very eager and interested in everything

Очень вероятно, что нетВесьма вероятно


Примеры использования:

As likely as not, she'll end up in court over this problem., in those days, a woman would as likely…
Так долго какПокаПосколькуПри условииДо тех пор


Примеры использования:

You can have a dog as long as you promise to take care of it.

During the whole time that.

Примеры использования:

They have been there as long as anyone can remember
Как повезетК счастью или к несчастьюСлучайно

By chance

Примеры использования:

We ran out of petrol on the way home, but as luck would have it, we were very near a garage.
Старый как мир

Very old

Примеры использования:

My grandfather seemed as old as the hills to me.
В отличие отВ противоположностьПо сравнению с

Rather than; instead of

Примеры использования:

The box is made of plastic, as opposed to wood.

Rather than

Примеры использования:

I'd prefer to go in may, as opposed to september., what about the stores that they own, as opposed …
Простой как посох

→  be (as) plain as the nose on your face

Очень довольный

Very pleased

Примеры использования:

She was as pleased as punch about the news.
Как бедный

To be very poor

Примеры использования:

They'll take one look at my clothes and know i'm as poor as a church mouse., when we first got marr…
Беден как церковная мышь

Extremely short of money.

Примеры использования:

Is it just sour grapes because i'm poor as a church mouse and live half a planet away from all the …

To be very poor

Примеры использования:

They'll take one look at my clothes and know i'm as poor as a church mouse., when we first got marr…
Чистый, как выпавший снег

To be morally completely good

Примеры использования:

How dare he criticize me for having an affair? he's not exactly as pure as the driven snow himself.
Как можно быстрее

As much, quickly, soon, etc. as something can happen or be done

Примеры использования:

Please take your seats as quickly as possible., i'll go as soon as possible., i'm looking for a hai…
Прямо как дождь

To feel healthy or well again

Примеры использования:

You just need a good night's sleep, and then you'll be right as rain again.

(of a person) feeling completely well or healthy, typically after an illness or minor accident.

Примеры использования:

After three days it feels better and after a week you're right as rain
В безопасности, как домаСовершенно надежный

Very safe

Как толькоНе позже

In the shortest possible time

Примеры использования:

We’ll come as soon as we can.

At the same time or a very short time after

Примеры использования:

As soon as i saw her, i knew there was something wrong., as soon as i said it, i regretted it., he …
Как можно скорееПри первой возможности

If you do something as soon as possible, you do it as quickly as you can

Примеры использования:

We need the repairs done as soon as possible., you need to send off the document as soon as possibl…
Звук как звонок

To be very healthy or in very good condition

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