Все Английские слова с переводом на Русский язык - страница 370
nounA low-growing european evergreen plant of the birthwort family, formerly used in medicine and as an ingredient in snuff.
Примеры использования:
The forest has not been cut for 300 years, and i found myself surrounded by ground flora such as so…
ˌeɪ.esˈbiːabbreviationAlternative service book.
nounA book containing the public liturgy of the church of england published in 1980 for use as the alternative to the book of common prayer.
æsˈbes.tɒsnounA highly heat-resistant fibrous silicate mineral that can be woven into fabrics, and is used in brake linings and in fire-resistant and insulating materials.
Примеры использования:
Asbestos was used for pipe insulation
ˌæs.besˈtəʊ.sɪsnounA lung disease resulting from the inhalation of asbestos particles, marked by severe fibrosis and a high risk of mesothelioma (cancer of the pleura).
Примеры использования:
This issue has been addressed comprehensively by two of us in a study of asbestosis and lung cancer.
ˌæs.kəˈraɪ.ə.sɪsnounInfection of the intestine with ascarids (parasitic nematode worms).
Примеры использования:
Primary common bile duct stones are more common in asian populations because of the increased preva…
nounA parasitic nematode worm of a family ( ascaridae ) whose members typically live in the intestines of vertebrates.
nounA parasitic nematode worm of a family ( ascaridae ) whose members typically live in the intestines of vertebrates.
nounA parasitic nematode worm of a family ( ascaridae ) whose members typically live in the intestines of vertebrates.
nounA parasitic nematode worm of a family ( ascaridae ) whose members typically live in the intestines of vertebrates.
əˈsendverbGo up or climb.
Примеры использования:
She ascended the stairs
əˈsen.dən.sinounOccupation of a position of dominant power or influence.
Примеры использования:
The ascendancy of good over evil
əˈsen.dəntadjectiveRising in power or influence.
Примеры использования:
Ascendant moderate factions in the party
nounThe point on the ecliptic at which it intersects the eastern horizon at a particular time, typically that of a person's birth.
Примеры использования:
If not, then use the ascendant if the birth was preceded by a new moon.
nounThe point on the ecliptic at which it intersects the eastern horizon at a particular time, typically that of a person's birth.
Примеры использования:
If not, then use the ascendant if the birth was preceded by a new moon.
adjectiveRising in power or influence.
Примеры использования:
Ascendant moderate factions in the party
əˈsendverbGo up or climb.
Примеры использования:
She ascended the stairs
adjective(of a spiritual being or soul) risen to heaven.
Примеры использования:
He speaks of the ascended christ as filling all things
əˈsen.dən.sinounOccupation of a position of dominant power or influence.
Примеры использования:
The ascendancy of good over evil
adjectiveRising in power or influence.
Примеры использования:
Ascendant moderate factions in the party
nounThe point on the ecliptic at which it intersects the eastern horizon at a particular time, typically that of a person's birth.
Примеры использования:
If not, then use the ascendant if the birth was preceded by a new moon.
əˈsen.dərnounA part of a letter that extends above the level of the top of an x (as in b and f ).
əˈsen.dərnounA part of a letter that extends above the level of the top of an x (as in b and f ).
əˈsen.dɪŋadjectiveIncreasing in size or importance.
Примеры использования:
Incomes ranked in ascending order of size
verbGo up or climb.
Примеры использования:
She ascended the stairs
əˈsendverbGo up or climb.
Примеры использования:
She ascended the stairs
əˈsen.ʃənnounThe action of rising to an important position or a higher level.
Примеры использования:
His ascension to the presidency
əˈsen.ʃənnounThe action of rising to an important position or a higher level.
Примеры использования:
His ascension to the presidency
nounThe period of ten days from ascension day to whitsun eve.
Примеры использования:
At ascensiontide, we encounter the trinity through prayer.
əˈsentnounA climb or walk to the summit of a mountain or hill.
Примеры использования:
The first ascent of the matterhorn
əˈsentnounA climb or walk to the summit of a mountain or hill.
Примеры использования:
The first ascent of the matterhorn
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