Все Английские слова с переводом на Русский язык - страница 430
adjectiveBased on or characterized by actual inspection or personal observation.
adverbIn an autoptic manner; through or by actual inspection or personal observation.
nounA photograph of an object produced by radiation from radioactive material in the object.
Примеры использования:
Hybridization can be visualized by measuring color development on the blot when enzyme labels are u…
verbMake an autoradiograph of.
Примеры использования:
The gel was dried and autoradiographed
adjectiveRelating to or involving autoregression.
nounRegulation of a system or process by itself or from within, especially in such a way as to maintain a stable state.
adjectiveRelating to or involving autoregulation; contributing to autoregulation.
verb(of an object) rotate spontaneously in a flow of moving air or water.
Примеры использования:
Seeds with double-winged shapes managed to autorotate
ˌɔː.təʊ.rəʊˈteɪ.ʃənnounRotation of an object caused by the flow of moving air or water around the shape of the object (e.g. a winged seed).
Примеры использования:
I entered autorotation, jettisoned the external load and landed the aircraft.
noun(in france or other french-speaking regions) a motorway.
Примеры использования:
The french police have recently cracked down on speeding on the autoroute.
ˈɔː.təʊnounA car.
Примеры использования:
The auto industry
prefixOf or by yourself
Примеры использования:
Auto-regulation does not seem to be working for the industry., the aircraft is fitted with an auto-…
nounThat which is autoschediastic; something done on the spur of the moment or without preparation; a hasty improvisation.
adjectiveWritten, composed, etc., on the spur of the moment; extemporized, hastily improvised.
adjective= autoschediastic (sometimes in humorous use.).
nounAn auto-ophthalmoscope or autolaryngoscope; (also) a laryngoscope through which the larynx can be seen directly (as opposed to by a mirror) (now historical).
adjectiveOf or relating to visual examination of one's own organs or to direct examination of the larynx.
nounVisual inspection or examination of one's own organs; specifically = autolaryngoscopy .
nounSensitization to a foreign antigen already present within the body (now rare or disused).
adjective(of a chick or breed of poultry) that can be sexed by the presence of a sex-linked trait.
nounThe larger and more completely developed member of a pair of unequal conjoined twins, on which the less developed member (parasite) is dependent. in early use also: †either of a pair of equally developed conjoined twins (obsolete).
adjectiveOf the nature of an autosite; including an autosite.
ˌɔː.təˈsəʊ.məlnounA genetic disease that makes cysts (= small growths filled with liquid) develop on the kidneys, sometimes causing the kidneys to stop working. it mainly affects adults
adjectiveBeing or relating to an autosome (= a chromosome other than one that determines the sex of an animal or plant)
Примеры использования:
Some genetic diseases are characterized by the absence or deletion of part of an autosomal chromoso…
ˈɔː.tə.səʊmnounAny chromosome that is not a sex chromosome.
Примеры использования:
The chromosomal complement of each cell is divided into the autosomes and the sex chromosomes.
ˈɔː.tə.səʊmnounAny chromosome that is not a sex chromosome.
Примеры использования:
The chromosomal complement of each cell is divided into the autosomes and the sex chromosomes.
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