Все Английские слова с переводом на Русский язык - страница 448
nounA forest-dwelling wild pig with several upturned hornlike tusks, native to malaysia.
Примеры использования:
Fruits close to the ground are gobbled by babirusas (forest pigs), deer and other earth-bound anima…
nounAn adherent of babism.
Примеры использования:
This book examines the roots of the babi religion
adjectiveCharacteristic of or befitting a baby; having features associated with a baby; baby-like.
nounA religion founded in 1844 by the persian mirza ali muhammad of shiraz (1819–50) (popularly known as ‘the bab’), who taught that a new prophet would follow muhammad.
Примеры использования:
Dr. soergel suggested putting theosophy, sufism and babism close to islam to infer their connection…
adjectiveOf or relating to the babis or their doctrine.
bəˈbuːnnounA large old world ground-dwelling monkey with a long doglike snout and large teeth.
Примеры использования:
A free-ranging vervet monkey, baboon, or macaque recognizes other members of his group as individua…
nounGrotesque or absurd ornamentation, carving or pictures; an example of this. compare "baboon" babery historical after middle english.
adjectiveReminiscent or characteristic of a baboon; resembling that of a baboon.
bəˈbuːnnounA large old world ground-dwelling monkey with a long doglike snout and large teeth.
Примеры использования:
A free-ranging vervet monkey, baboon, or macaque recognizes other members of his group as individua…
nounThe beliefs of françois noël babeuf or his followers; the babouvist movement.
nounA follower or supporter of babeuf or his beliefs, most notably the doctrine of universal equality of income and the abolition of private property; specifically a member of any of various 19th-cent. french political organizations espousing this principle.
adjectiveOf, relating to, or characteristic of babeuf, the babouvists, or their beliefs.
nounA baby or young child.
Примеры использования:
Why does my mom keep asking me if the royal bab is born—i'm not the royal correspondent
nounA respectful title or form of address for a man, especially an educated one.
Примеры использования:
I could see kana-babu's shop
nounThe fact or condition of being a babu; the culture, characteristics, or typical behaviour of babus.
noun(in south asia) a tropical acacia introduced from africa, used as a source of fuel, gum arabic, and (formerly) tannin.
Примеры использования:
During the ahmedabad action, gandhi wrote leaflets to his followers, the mill workers, every day, a…
noun(in south asia) a tropical acacia introduced from africa, used as a source of fuel, gum arabic, and (formerly) tannin.
Примеры использования:
During the ahmedabad action, gandhi wrote leaflets to his followers, the mill workers, every day, a…
nounA respectful title or form of address for a man, especially an educated one.
Примеры использования:
I could see kana-babu's shop
noun(in russia) an old woman or grandmother.
Примеры использования:
Shouldn't we give up the nervous fingering of the beads of the grandmas and the babushkas?
noun(in russia) an old woman or grandmother.
Примеры использования:
Shouldn't we give up the nervous fingering of the beads of the grandmas and the babushkas?
ˈbeɪ.binounA very young child.
Примеры использования:
His wife's just had a baby
adjectiveComparatively small or immature of its kind.
Примеры использования:
A baby version of the oxford movement
verbTreat (someone) as a baby; pamper or be overprotective towards.
Примеры использования:
Her aunt babied her and fussed over her clothes
Baby blues
ˈbeɪ.bi ˌbluːznounA feeling of sadness that some women experience after they have given birth to a baby
Примеры использования:
According to this article, as many as 60 percent of women suffer from the baby blues.
Baby boomer
ˈbeɪ.bi ˌbuː.mərnounA person born in the years following the second world war, when there was a temporary marked increase in the birth rate.
Примеры использования:
America's healthcare costs are expected to soar as baby boomers become senior citizens
ˈbeɪ.bi ˌkær.ɪdʒnounA small bed for carrying a baby that has four wheels and a wide handle for pushing it
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