Все Английские слова с переводом на Русский язык - страница 457
nounThe sight of a rifle or other weapon that is nearer the eye of the person aiming.
Примеры использования:
The first m91 / 30 rifles therefore, used the curved backsights of the old dragoon rifles.
ˈbækˌslæp.ɪŋnounThe action of slapping a person's back in congratulation or encouragement.
Примеры использования:
This character would offer solutions to a problem, no one would respond, then a man would come up, …
adjectiveVigorously hearty.
Примеры использования:
Those cheerful, backslapping journalists
ˈbæk.slæʃnounA backward-sloping diagonal line (\), used in some computer commands.
Примеры использования:
You can type the command as one long line without the backslashes or use them to break up a long pi…
ˈbæk.slæʃnounA backward-sloping diagonal line (\), used in some computer commands.
Примеры использования:
You can type the command as one long line without the backslashes or use them to break up a long pi…
ˈbæk.slaɪdverbRelapse into bad ways or error.
Примеры использования:
There are many things that can cause slimmers to backslide
verbRelapse into bad ways or error.
Примеры использования:
There are many things that can cause slimmers to backslide
ˈbæk.slaɪdverbRelapse into bad ways or error.
Примеры использования:
There are many things that can cause slimmers to backslide
ˈbæk.slaɪdverbRelapse into bad ways or error.
Примеры использования:
There are many things that can cause slimmers to backslide
ˈbæk.slaɪdnounThe action of relapsing into bad ways or error.
Примеры использования:
One of the best ways to avoid backsliding into destructive habits is to join a support group
verbRelapse into bad ways or error.
Примеры использования:
There are many things that can cause slimmers to backslide
ˈbæk.speɪsnounA key on a typewriter or computer keyboard used to cause the carriage or cursor to move backwards.
Примеры использования:
I've been digging through pictures cursing myself for not documenting my work better, typing the de…
verbMove a typewriter carriage or computer cursor backwards.
Примеры использования:
The < bs > markers show where i hit the backspace key - note that the text i was backspacing over r…
verbMove a typewriter carriage or computer cursor backwards.
Примеры использования:
The < bs > markers show where i hit the backspace key - note that the text i was backspacing over r…
nounA key on a typewriter or computer keyboard used to cause the carriage or cursor to move backwards.
Примеры использования:
I've been digging through pictures cursing myself for not documenting my work better, typing the de…
nounA key on a typewriter or computer keyboard used to cause the carriage or cursor to move backwards.
Примеры использования:
I've been digging through pictures cursing myself for not documenting my work better, typing the de…
verbMove a typewriter carriage or computer cursor backwards.
Примеры использования:
The < bs > markers show where i hit the backspace key - note that the text i was backspacing over r…
ˈbæk.speɪsnounA key on a typewriter or computer keyboard used to cause the carriage or cursor to move backwards.
Примеры использования:
I've been digging through pictures cursing myself for not documenting my work better, typing the de…
verbMove a typewriter carriage or computer cursor backwards.
Примеры использования:
The < bs > markers show where i hit the backspace key - note that the text i was backspacing over r…
verbMove a typewriter carriage or computer cursor backwards.
Примеры использования:
The < bs > markers show where i hit the backspace key - note that the text i was backspacing over r…
nounA key on a typewriter or computer keyboard used to cause the carriage or cursor to move backwards.
Примеры использования:
I've been digging through pictures cursing myself for not documenting my work better, typing the de…
ˈbæk.spɪnnounA backward spin given to a moving ball, causing it to stop more quickly or rebound at a steeper angle on hitting a surface.
Примеры использования:
They went straight at the hole, catching the ball cleanly and counting on backspin to stop the ball…
verbTo spin a record, or to play recorded music, backwards in order to find a particular place in the recording or to achieve a particular sound effect
Примеры использования:
The device allows users to cue up, stop, backspin and scratch songs on cd just as they would on a v…
ˈbæk.spɪnnounA backward spin given to a moving ball, causing it to stop more quickly or rebound at a steeper angle on hitting a surface.
Примеры использования:
They went straight at the hole, catching the ball cleanly and counting on backspin to stop the ball…
verbTo spin a record, or to play recorded music, backwards in order to find a particular place in the recording or to achieve a particular sound effect
Примеры использования:
The device allows users to cue up, stop, backspin and scratch songs on cd just as they would on a v…
ˈbækˌstæb.ərnounSomeone who says harmful things about you when you are not there to defend yourself
ˈbækˌstæb.ɪŋadjectiveThe action of criticizing someone in a treacherous manner despite pretending friendship with them.
Примеры использования:
The media world of back-stabbing, scheming, and downright malice
nounThe act of saying harmful or unpleasant things about a person when they are not present
Примеры использования:
He accused his boss of dirty tricks and backstabbing.
bækˈsteɪdʒadverbIn or to the area behind the stage in a theatre, especially the wings or dressing rooms.
Примеры использования:
I went backstage after the show
adjectiveRelating to or situated in the area behind the stage in a theatre.
Примеры использования:
A backstage tour of the opera house
nounThe area in a theatre out of view of the audience, especially in the wings or dressing rooms.
Примеры использования:
Backstage was the scene of pleasant pandemonium
plural nounStairs at the back or side of a building.
Примеры использования:
Places (we often called them that instead of farms) that i knew about all had either stairs or back…
nounA mark stamped on the back of a plate or a letter.
Примеры использования:
It features a gold-painted 60th-anniversary backstamp along with the animators' choice designation.
nounA stay on a sailing ship leading downwards and aft from the top or upper part of a mast.
Примеры использования:
The 7.5 m long anchor span consists of a 10 m wide, 9 m deep posttensioned central box girder that …
nounA stay on a sailing ship leading downwards and aft from the top or upper part of a mast.
Примеры использования:
The 7.5 m long anchor span consists of a 10 m wide, 9 m deep posttensioned central box girder that …
nounA method of sewing with overlapping stitches.
Примеры использования:
Proceed as for backstitch, but take needle in halfway along previous stitch
verbSew using backstitch.
Примеры использования:
You can simply backstitch the edges
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