Все Английские слова с переводом на Русский язык - страница 475
nounAny of various choreographed dances, or dance sequences, performed either at a social gathering or on the stage, often to a specific piece of music. compare "dance". now chiefly historical.
verbReprimand (someone) severely.
plural nounThe testicles.
ˈbæl.ənnoun(in dancing) the ability to appear effortlessly suspended while performing movements during a jump.
Примеры использования:
Wallenberg's jumping and leaping demonstrated ballon and enthusiasm in the execution of the role.
nounA bouncing step in dancing; specifically (ballet) a jump in which the dancer stretches one leg to either the front, the back, or the side and lands on the other, before joining the feet in the cou-de-pied.
bəˈluːnnounA small coloured rubber bag that is inflated with air and then sealed at the neck, used as a child's toy or a decoration.
Примеры использования:
The room was festooned with balloons and streamers
verbA small coloured rubber bag which is inflated with air and then sealed at the neck, used as a child's toy or a decoration.
Примеры использования:
The room was festooned with balloons and streamers
idiomIf something that you say or show to people goes down like a lead balloon, they do not like it at all
Примеры использования:
My joke about the alcoholic went down like a lead balloon.
bəˈluːnverbSwell out in a spherical shape.
Примеры использования:
The trousers ballooned out below his waist
nounA small coloured rubber bag that is inflated with air and then sealed at the neck, used as a child's toy or a decoration.
Примеры использования:
The room was festooned with balloons and streamers
nounThe practice or art of ballooning; the management of balloons, aeronautics.
nounA tropical porcupine fish which lives in shallow water and can inflate itself when threatened.
Примеры использования:
Adult balloonfish are found in relatively shallow areas of the ocean.
nounA tropical porcupine fish which lives in shallow water and can inflate itself when threatened.
Примеры использования:
Adult balloonfish are found in relatively shallow areas of the ocean.
bəˈluː.nɪŋnounThe sport or pastime of flying in a balloon.
Примеры использования:
He took up ballooning in 1907
verbSwell out in a spherical shape.
Примеры использования:
The trousers ballooned out below his waist
bəˈluː.nɪstnounA person who flies in a balloon.
Примеры использования:
The first balloonist to circumnavigate the world
adjectiveHaving a bulbous, rounded shape, tapering at one end.
Примеры использования:
Millions of microscopic balloon-like sacs called alveoli
bəˈluːnnounA small coloured rubber bag that is inflated with air and then sealed at the neck, used as a child's toy or a decoration.
Примеры использования:
The room was festooned with balloons and streamers
verbA small coloured rubber bag which is inflated with air and then sealed at the neck, used as a child's toy or a decoration.
Примеры использования:
The room was festooned with balloons and streamers
ˈbæl.ətnounA system of voting secretly and in writing on a particular issue.
Примеры использования:
A strike ballot
verb(of an organization) ask (members) to vote secretly on an issue.
Примеры использования:
The union is preparing to ballot its members on industrial action
nounA eurasian genus of perennial herbs and shrubs of the family lamiaceae (labiatae), several kinds of which are grown ornamentally for their silvery-grey foliage; (also, in form ballota) a plant of this genus.
nounA bouncing step or leap; (dressage) a kind of leap in which a horse bends all four legs without kicking out the hind ones.
nounIn france: the second ballot, to decide between the two candidates who have come nearest to obtaining the majority.
verbTo subject to ballottement. also without object: to move in response to ballottement.
nounA dance movement in which the body is ‘tossed’ or ‘thrown’; specifically (ballet) a rocking step in which the body is thrown forward and backward as the weight is transferred quickly from one foot to the other.
ˈbæl.ətverb(of an organization) ask (members) to vote secretly on an issue.
Примеры использования:
The union is preparing to ballot its members on industrial action
nounA system of voting secretly and in writing on a particular issue.
Примеры использования:
A strike ballot
ˈbæl.ətverb(of an organization) ask (members) to vote secretly on an issue.
Примеры использования:
The union is preparing to ballot its members on industrial action
nounA system of voting secretly and in writing on a particular issue.
Примеры использования:
A strike ballot
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