Английский словарь

Все Английские слова с переводом на Русский язык - страница 516


Binary coded decimal.


A system for coding a number in which each digit of a decimal number is represented individually by its binary equivalent.


Bromochlorodifluoromethane, a substance formerly used in fire extinguishers.

БдБонаВязка пряжиДисконтированные векселяУчтенные векселя

Bachelor of divinity.


Have sex for the purpose of conceiving (particularly used in online forums).

Примеры использования:

This is our second cycle of trying, but we only managed to bd three times

A fragrant resin produced by a number of trees related to myrrh, used in perfumes.

Примеры использования:

In some way it was like coriander seed and in some other way like bdellium, a fragrant resin.

A fragrant resin produced by a number of trees related to myrrh, used in perfumes.

Примеры использования:

In some way it was like coriander seed and in some other way like bdellium, a fragrant resin.

Bachelor of dental surgery.


Have sex for the purpose of conceiving (particularly used in online forums).

Примеры использования:

This is our second cycle of trying, but we only managed to bd three times




Примеры использования:

There are no easy answers

(forming verbs) all over; all round.

Примеры использования:


Bachelor of education.


The chemical element of atomic number 4, a hard grey metal.

The chemical element beryllium.

auxiliary verb

Used with a present participle to form continuous tenses.

Примеры использования:

They are coming
Быть бочкой смеха

A source of fun or amusement.

Примеры использования:

Life is not exactly a barrel of laughs at the moment

To be funny or enjoyable

Примеры использования:

"he's a bit serious, isn't he?" "yeah, not exactly a barrel of laughs."
Быть катастрофой

To be very unsuccessful or extremely bad

Примеры использования:

The evening was a complete disaster., as an engineer, he was a disaster., our first gig was a total…
Быть хитом

If you are a hit with someone, that person likes you a lot from the time that they first meet you

Примеры использования:

You were a big hit with my dad - he hasn't stopped talking about you.
Быть успешнымУдаться

To have problems because of your success

Примеры использования:

The school has become a victim of its own success, as parents with children who have special needs …
Быть оСобиратьсяБыть на ногахВставатьБыть занятым чем-л.

If you ask someone what they are on about, you are asking that person, often in a slightly annoyed way, what they mean

Примеры использования:

I dunno what you're on about.
Быть знакомым с

To know or be familiar with something, because you have studied it or have experienced it before

Примеры использования:

Police said the thieves were obviously well acquainted with the alarm system at the department stor…
Быть допущенным

To gain a qualification as a lawyer

Примеры использования:

After being admitted to the bar in 1998, he represented other people who had got into trouble with …

Be affiliated to

Быть связанным с

To become part of or form a close relationship with a group or organization

Примеры использования:

[ t ] i’m not affiliated with any political party., [ i ] the two schools will affiliate next year.…

An organization that is officially connected with or controlled by another, usually larger, organization

Примеры использования:

The study estimates that the school and its affiliates generate employment of 52,459 workers., the …
Быть испуганнымБоятьсяПобояться

To be frightened of things in a way that is not reasonable or necessary

Примеры использования:

They are weak leaders who seem afraid of their own shadows., for the rest of your life you will hav…

To be frightened of things in a way that is not reasonable or necessary

Примеры использования:

They are weak leaders who seem afraid of their own shadows., for the rest of your life you will hav…

To be frightened of things in a way that is not reasonable or necessary

Примеры использования:

They are weak leaders who seem afraid of their own shadows., for the rest of your life you will hav…
Быть после
phrasal verb

Have the will and intention to carry out some action


To be looking for someone or something or trying to find or get them or it

Примеры использования:

The police are after him., uk i'm after a tie to go with this shirt., i'm sure she's after my husba…

Be against

Быть против
phrasal verb

To be part of a group that opposes/supports a particular idea, plan, or group

Примеры использования:

Most of the state democratic party are ranged against the president., she ranged herself with my op…
Быть впереди

To be much better or much more advanced than another thing or person

Примеры использования:

Be streets ahead of the latest sales figures show that we're streets ahead of the competition.
Быть живым

To continue to live or exist and be full of energy

Примеры использования:

She said she'd seen him last week and he was alive and kicking., despite rumours to the contrary, f…

To die in or be killed by fire

Примеры использования:

Unable to escape, six people were burned alive in the building., a few hundred years ago they would…

Be all and end all

Быть всем и концом всего

The most important thing

Примеры использования:

We all agreed that winning was not the be-all and end-all., it was the period when everyone saw men…
Быть внимательнымПревратиться в слухСлушать с напряженным вниманием

To be waiting eagerly to hear about something

Примеры использования:

I'm all ears - tell us what they had to say.

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