Все Английские слова с переводом на Русский язык - страница 521
idiomTo be sleeping
Примеры использования:
Jamie's in the land of nod at last.
idiomIf you or your bank account are in the red, you owe money to the bank.
idiomTo be not as good as someone or something else
Примеры использования:
Her latest movie is quite watchable but it's not in the same league as her first two epics.
phraseIf you are in touch/out of touch with a subject, activity, or situation, your knowledge about it is recent/not recent
Примеры использования:
He's not really in touch with what young people are interested in., i didn't see any news all the t…
phraseIf you are in tune with people or ideas, you understand or agree with them, and if you are out of tune with them, you do not
Примеры использования:
Much of his success comes from being in tune with what his customers want., her theories were out o…
phraseIf you are in tune with people or ideas, you understand or agree with them, and if you are out of tune with them, you do not
Примеры использования:
Much of his success comes from being in tune with what his customers want., her theories were out o…
idiomTo be unable to decide about something
Примеры использования:
I was in two minds whether or not to come this morning.
Be in working order
ˈwɜː.kɪŋadjectiveRelating to your job and its surroundings
Примеры использования:
Employees are unhappy with working conditions., working mothers, the mechanic finally got the car b…
phraseTo have an opinion about something, but not a strong opinion
Примеры использования:
He was inclined to agree with them., i'm inclined to think that they made the right choice for lead…
phraseTo have an opinion about something, but not a strong opinion
Примеры использования:
He was inclined to agree with them., i'm inclined to think that they made the right choice for lead…
phraseTo have an opinion about something, but not a strong opinion
Примеры использования:
He was inclined to agree with them., i'm inclined to think that they made the right choice for lead…
phraseTo be necessary for someone
Примеры использования:
Be incumbent on/upon someone to do something she felt it was incumbent upon/on her to raise the sub…
Be lacking
ˈlæk.ɪŋadjectiveIf something that you need is lacking, you do not have enough of it
Примеры использования:
Enthusiasm has been sadly lacking these past months at work., he's totally lacking in charm.
idiomTo be forced to stay in bed because of an illness or accident
Примеры использования:
She's been laid up in bed with flu for a week.
Be left
liːvphraseIf something or someone is left, they remain after the rest of the things or people have gone or been used
Примеры использования:
Are there any cookies left?, there's some food left over from the party., repeat with equal sized p…
phrasal verbIf an amount of money or food is left over, it remains when the rest has been used or eaten
Примеры использования:
How much will we have left over once we've paid all the suppliers?.
Be left over
liːvphrasal verbIf an amount of money or food is left over, it remains when the rest has been used or eaten
Примеры использования:
How much will we have left over once we've paid all the suppliers?.
idiomTo be acting or speaking honestly
Примеры использования:
It seems too good to be true. are you sure this guy's on the level?
idiomIf a group of people are (like) sheep, they all behave in the same way or all behave as they are told, and cannot or will not act independently.
phraseFundamentally different or incompatible.
Примеры использования:
We'll never get on—we're like chalk and cheese
idiomIf two people are like chalk and cheese, they are completely different from each other
Примеры использования:
My brother and i are like chalk and cheese.
Be living
ˌlɪv.ɪŋ ˈpruːfnounTo prove that something is true by existing or having a particular quality
Примеры использования:
Be (the) living proof of reading his autobiography, you find he is living proof of the saying "trut…
Be loath
ləʊθadjectiveUnwilling; reluctant
Примеры использования:
She’d be loath to admit it, but she doesn’t really like opera.
Be located
ləʊˈkeɪtverbTo find or discover the exact position of something
Примеры использования:
Archeologists have located the remains of an ancient temple., [ t ] the company decided to locate i…
phraseTo be planning to do something
Примеры использования:
I'm looking to start my own business., we are looking to open three new stores next year., they wer…
phraseGiving so much attention to what you are doing that you are not conscious of anything else that is happening around you
Примеры использования:
Ann was completely lost in her book., i was lost in my own thoughts and didn't notice her approachi…
idiomTo be so shocked, surprised, full of admiration, etc. that you cannot speak
Примеры использования:
Mary was lost for words when she was awarded the prize.
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