Английский словарь Вордер
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Быть на той же длине волны, что и

(of two or more people) to think in a similar way and to understand each other well

Примеры использования:

What makes the problem worse is that howard and tina are not on the same wavelength about how to de…
Быть на стороне

To be doing something good or kind

Примеры использования:

He was, in this matter at least, firmly on the side of the angels.
Быть в пути

To be close to doing something

Примеры использования:

I'm well on the way to completing the report.
Будь начеку

To be careful to avoid being tricked or getting into a dangerous situation

Примеры использования:

Be on (your) guard against you always have to be on your guard against pickpockets.

Be onto

Быть наНападать на следПридиратьсяРаскусить кого-л.Связаться с кем-л.

Into a position on

Примеры использования:

Gennaro tossed his newspaper onto the table., everybody is onto you – why don’t you admit you lied?
ВыйтиНе быть домаНе быть в комнатеБастовать

If you are fresh out of something, you have just finished or sold all of it, so that there is no more left

Примеры использования:

She asked the waiter for mango juice but they were fresh out., "could i have a croissant, please?" …
Быть внеНе иметь чего-л.

To be able/unable to have or do what you want

Примеры использования:

"do you have any tuna sandwiches?" "you're in luck - there's one left."

To not have enough minutes, etc. available

Примеры использования:

I'd like to continue this discussion but we're all out of time., i'm afraid we're out of time and i…
Быть не в своем родеБыть не в духеПлохо себя чувствовать

To be slightly ill or slightly unhappy

Примеры использования:

I've been feeling tired and headachy and generally out of sorts.
Быть внеВсеми силами стремиться к

To be crazy

Примеры использования:

So do i take this guy seriously or is he out to lunch?

Completely finished

Примеры использования:

We had a difficult time but it's all over now., it was all over in 10 or 15 minutes., the baby got …
Быть на седьмом небе от счастьяБыть в восторге

To be very pleased

Примеры использования:

She was over the moon about/with her new bike.

Extremely happy; delighted.

Примеры использования:

They're going on holiday on wednesday so they're all over the moon
Быть упакованным

Full of people or things

Примеры использования:

The hall was packed for the opening lecture., a vitamin-packed health drink, an action-packed film,…

Full of the thing described

Примеры использования:

A fun-packed day, an action-packed film
Быть набитым

Full of people or things

Примеры использования:

The hall was packed for the opening lecture., a vitamin-packed health drink, an action-packed film,…

Full of the thing described

Примеры использования:

A fun-packed day, an action-packed film

Be placed

Быть помещеннымПрийти к финишу в числе первых трех

To go away from someone or something that stays in the same place

Примеры использования:

[ i ] i’ll be leaving tomorrow., [ t ] he left the house by the back door., [ i/t ] the bus leaves …

A period of time that someone is allowed away from work for holiday, illness, or another special reason

Примеры использования:

Take leave from sth i'm taking 5 days' unpaid leave from work to go to the wedding., be/go on leave…
Быть довольнымПорадоваться

To be very willing to do something

Примеры использования:

Only too pleased to do something i'm only too (= very) pleased to help., why didn't you ask me? i w…

To be willing to do something

Примеры использования:

I don't mind explaining it to you, but i'm not prepared to do it for you.

To be willing, or happy to agree to do something

Примеры использования:

Would you be prepared to help me get things ready for the party?, people are not really prepared to…
Поджимать времяОчень торопитьсяРасполагать незначительным временем

To be in a hurry

Примеры использования:

I'd love to stop and talk, but i'm pressed for time.
Быть склонным

Likely to show a particular characteristic, usually a negative one, or to be affected by something bad, such as damage or an illness

Примеры использования:

I've always been prone to headaches., he was prone to depression even as a teenager., she's prone t…
Быть склонным к

Likely to show a particular characteristic, usually a negative one, or to be affected by something bad, such as damage or an illness

Примеры использования:

I've always been prone to headaches., he was prone to depression even as a teenager., she's prone t…

To do something fast, sometimes too fast

Примеры использования:

She was quick to point out that it wasn't her fault., he's quick to defend her., children's chariti…

Be responsible for

Быть ответственным заОтвечать заБыть причинойБыть ответственнымБыть инициатором

Having the duty of taking care of something

Примеры использования:

The government’s energy regulatory board is responsible for nuclear safety., we are not responsible…
Кататься по проходам

To laugh without being able to stop

Примеры использования:

The comedian had the audience rolling in the aisles.
Быть управляемым

To take the advice of someone

Примеры использования:

If you're wise you'll be ruled by your father.

To be frightened of things in a way that is not reasonable or necessary

Примеры использования:

They are weak leaders who seem afraid of their own shadows., for the rest of your life you will hav…

To be frightened of things in a way that is not reasonable or necessary

Примеры использования:

They are weak leaders who seem afraid of their own shadows., for the rest of your life you will hav…

Мой Вордер

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