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baɪˈɒɡ.rə.finounAn account of someone's life written by someone else.
Примеры использования:
Hey, there are people writing novels and biographies using pictures as well as words.
verbTo write a biography of; to portray biographically. usually in passive.
baɪˈɒɡ.rə.finounAn account of someone's life written by someone else.
Примеры использования:
Hey, there are people writing novels and biographies using pictures as well as words.
ˌbaɪ.əʊˈhæz.ədnounA risk to human health or the environment arising from biological work, especially with microorganisms.
Примеры использования:
But he says, ‘we've done some pretty significant work ‘with clients in handling biohazards and prep…
nounA deposit consisting of the calcareous skeletal remains of corals or other sedentary organisms, specifically one in the shape of a mound or dome.
nounA deposit consisting of the calcareous skeletal remains of corals or other sedentary organisms, specifically one in the shape of a mound or dome.
noun(originally in space flight) the use of instruments to measure or record data about the body of a person or animal.
nounWith singular agreement. the study of the way in which particular substances move through the body and are metabolized, following ingestion. also (with plural agreement): the properties of a substance in this connection.
nounWith singular agreement. the study of the biological and evolutionary basis of language; the relationship between biological and linguistic factors in an individual or race.
nounOriginally: a rock of organic origin; specifically one composed of the remains of living organisms or produced by the activity of such organisms. in later use also: a mineralized particle of animal or plant origin, found in soil, rock, etc.
ˌbaɪ.əˈlɒdʒ.ɪ.kadjectiveRelating to biology; biological.
Примеры использования:
There is growing interest in the biologic activities of plant extracts in the treatment of disease
nounAnother term for biological (noun).
Примеры использования:
These natural biologics can be as potent as manufactured drugs
ˌbaɪ.əˈlɒdʒ.ɪ.kəladjectiveRelating to biology or living organisms.
Примеры использования:
Ibm has unveiled an ambitious initiative to develop technologies that share the basic biological ab…
nounA substance of biological origin used as a drug, vaccine, pesticide, etc.
Примеры использования:
A wide spectrum of biologicals are produced from animal cells in culture
ˌbaɪ.əˈlɒdʒ.ɪ.kəl.iadverbIn a way that concerns biology or living organisms.
Примеры использования:
The world's most biologically diverse ecosystems
nounAnother term for biological (noun).
Примеры использования:
These natural biologics can be as potent as manufactured drugs
adjectiveRelating to biology; biological.
Примеры использования:
There is growing interest in the biologic activities of plant extracts in the treatment of disease
nounThe interpretation of human life from a strictly biological point of view.
Примеры использования:
One can be a good darwinian without reducing our cultural leaves to their biological roots: confusi…
baɪˈɒl.ə.dʒɪstnounAn expert in or student of the branch of science concerning living organisms.
Примеры использования:
A team of marine biologists
baɪˈɒl.ə.dʒɪstnounAn expert in or student of the branch of science concerning living organisms.
Примеры использования:
A team of marine biologists
verbTo consider the biological aspects of; to view or treat in a biological, especially a reductionist, manner. also without object: to practise biology (rare).
baɪˈɒl.ə.dʒinounThe study of living organisms, divided into many specialized fields that cover their morphology, physiology, anatomy, behaviour, origin, and distribution.
Примеры использования:
An a level student at sheldon school, edward is studying biology, physics, chemistry and maths.
ˌbaɪ.əʊ.luː.mɪˈnes.ənsnounThe biochemical emission of light by living organisms such as glow-worms and deep-sea fish.
Примеры использования:
Although its biochemistry is well understood and is applied for various scientific techniques, the …
nounThe chemical decomposition of organic matter by the action of bacteria, especially as used in the treatment of sewage.
nounThe chemical decomposition of organic matter by the action of bacteria, especially as used in the treatment of sewage.
adjectiveDesignating the decomposition of organic matter by microbial or enzymic action, especially as part of a sewage treatment process where solids and liquids are treated separately; of or relating to such a treatment process.
adjectiveOf or relating to biomagnetism; specifically designating magnetic fields produced by a part of the body; of or involving such fields.
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